I had no intention of beginning this Blog again in earnest at this particular time. However, I do feel within me a state of urgency. Therefore here I am again.
The world is in a mess. There are some 7.8 billion people on this beautiful planet at my time of writing, most of which will have no idea why certain events have been and continue to be taking place over the last 18 months. Some will fight the narrative. Some will pray. Some will fall into depression. Some will do worse.
I am sixty two years of age and for very many of those years I have been called a 'seer' a 'psychic' and many rather less flattering names. So what do these names mean and what are seers and psychics really? They have been and generally are today recognised as people who are wise in the deeper aspects of reality. They are 'knowers' and have been consulted for generations by people wanting answers to questions they cannot find answers for themselves. In ancient times they were regarded as priests and priestesses. I want to explain how these people, including myself, do what we do and how. This may seem completely irrelevant to the purpose of this blog but bear with me and I hope it will explain many things.
Seers, prophets, psychics, priests and priestesses have been recognised for millennia as people who have insight into why certain events take place and their outcome. They have been consulted by kings and queens, chiefs and leaders right back through the mists of time. So what are they and how do they do what they do?
We are ordinary people with seemingly extraordinary insights. However, these apparent insights are perfectly natural. A seers is like the spider that sits in a web able to detect the slightest vibration, read it and respond accordingly. All language is vibration and we are the 'sound' that vibration makes.
Stripped down to our core, we are all information processing systems formed from fundamental particles. Even though we are unaware, we are sharing information constantly at every level. This is because our individual systems are part of one holistic system, a super-neural-system into which we are entangled as subsystems, as super-neurons. This means that every thought I have, is connected to you via the super-neural-system and vice versa. In this way, you create my reality and I create yours.
How is this relevant to what is happening to humans on a global scale today?
This is how it is relevant. The primary principle to remember about the holistic system from which we gain our sense of self-awareness, our feeling of being alive and conscious, is that whatever we put into the system is passed around the whole system and can be introduced into any or many subsystems - in other words, each of us because we are subsystems within the whole system. We make that unified system work because we are it. I am writing a book at the moment called The Theory of Biosymbolism. Believe me, this is NOT a promotion for the book. This blog is to make you aware of what is really going on and why. The Theory of Biosymbolism describes our basic primary functions as biologically symbolic of the primary functions of the unified system, the host system, to which we belong and of which we are integral parts.
The human brain's functionality is biosymbolic of that of the host system. I am not going to go into great detail here because this post is not for that purpose. However, our brain functions are images, living descriptions of the super-neural-system. Our brain increases the connections that we regularly use and it prunes back those that we do not. "If you don't use it, you lose it". Reinforced connections within the host-system are most regularly passed around its super-neurons - us. Therefore, if we all invest positive input into the host-system, we all receive positive output.
For decades, humans, of which are a huge amount of our children, have played violent and negatively describing computer games. We have watched violent films. We have watched sadness, abuse, and many other upsetting inputs. We have watched governments covering up terrible events and lying. We have watched films and series describing theft, and deception and all kinds of deviancies. And we have watched many films that describe science-fiction events converting and augmenting humans into machines. For example, the Terminator films. We have been excited by them. We have watched them with enthusiasm and enjoyment. We have considered them as nothing more than 'a bit of fun'. But what we do not realised is whatever input we create, we are converting and passing around our host-system. Science-fiction, murder and atrocities therefore become manifested. They become real. And now we are living the product of our creation. We have watched violence and abuse from the platform of 'entertainment'. We are no different from the hoards of spectators that attended the Roman amphitheatres watching people killing one another. The input is exactly the same. We have desensitised ourselves and because we have 'enjoyed' these negative films and games, we have sent them out into the host-system with a positive action potential. Therefore they are more acceptable to other subsystems, and our super-neural-system has learned that this is what we want. Therefore, this is what we've got! And now its totally experiential!
Millennia ago a wandering shaman tried to describe to the world his notion of reality, how it was governed by one holistic system that will punish the wicked and raise the good. This is what it meant. Those who have inputted violence into that divine system are now reaping what they have sown. And so are the rest of us.
This is a very quick description of what is really happening. The book The Theory of Biosymbolism explains the processes in great detail which is why it's taking so long to write.
Be positive. Be loving. Be unified.
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