Thursday, 28 October 2021

The Human Race - The Race To Be Human

Most humans today are like children that have never been taught to share. Until it is realised that everything you have has been given to you by others, the circle of greed and corruption will continue. No matter whether you are an individual trader or a hugely successful businessman earning millions, you owe everything you have to others. So whose is the wealth really?

The whole of our reality is the result of a discreet unified system. Everyone and everything is reliant on everyone and everything else. If we take the life we lead right down to the most basic, even the poor are reliant upon somebody else. The food we eat today is non existent without the man with the shovel and even if we look at our hunter gatherer past, without the input of other species and the Seasons we could not have survived. 

The book I am at present writing, The Theory Of Biosymbolism, explains in detail the way that our reality is formed. Each of us is dependant upon each other of us and all life as we understand. All of it is part of our unified system. Except that at this time, we do not appear unified....on the surface anyway.

The simple fact is that at our most fundamental level, we all appear as systems of quarks. This is the first manifested state of our true unification. We are unified at our most fundamental level which is information. Everything of our reality is built upon that foundation-state and the way that the system functions allows for our reality to become manifested to each of us as an individual. Think of our unified state as a super-neural-network with us as super-neurons within it. Each of us has the opportunity of input just like the sensory data that is inputted into our biological brain and each of us is forced to receive that input which, combined with the information that our own individual subsystem-neuron already holds, becomes the foundation of our own hallucinatory reality. The first principle of the Theory of Biosymbolism is that I create your reality and you create mine.

There exists at this time, a set of people who assume, wrongly, that they are able to exploit all other subsystems which are people and other life, to create absolute wealth for themselves. The mainframe of the super-neural-network does not allow for this to happen for long. In the end they will exploit one another even into death. In another blog on this address called Biosymbolism which will explain more of the Theory of Biosymbolism, I have written a new post explaining our input and output of the super-neural-network, the host-system, as a soup. I describe each of us as chefs, placing ingredients into the soup which we will all in the end have to taste. If the soup has been soured by unpleasant ingredients, everyone will have to experience that bad taste. There are those who consider themselves immune from participation in the resulting product. However, they are not immune. The soup is for everyone. It is the only dish that we can receive from. The soup is the reality we experience manifested by all that life inputs into it. No person is immune from the tasting, not even those who consider that they are. 

For years now, children and adults alike have invested many hours in playing computer games. Each of them has the ambition to win, to overcome and to receive credit and recognition, the result of killing and scoring points for doing so.  The information of these feelings is inputted into the host-system. We have watched films filled with gratuitous violence with enjoyment attached to what we see. The positivity attached to the information of these movies is inputted into the system. The science fiction films we have enjoyed showing scenes of  invading aliens torturing and mutilating humans, using us as slaves and taking over our Earth.....all is inputted into the system-soup as ingredients for the final recipe. The system is primed for information exchange. That is its primary function for growth and it learns through us. Therefore, the host-system that people in their ignorance have previously considered to be a separate God entity to us all, holds the information of both good and evil. It is a natural, living system, organic through us and it learns what we want...through us. It is an all giving God if you chose to call it so. It gives you exactly what you ask for and if you input enjoyment through violence, that is what you will get out of it. 

The connections in our biological human brain are reinforced the more they are used. Those connections that are not often used, in the brain's frugality, are pruned back. Our human brain is biosymbolic in its function to the super-neural-system. Therefore, as super-neurons within that super-neural-system, we strengthen or weaken the connections within it. We are part of our host-system, or God, if you like that term better, and it is us that procures the good or evil within it. Your thoughts are action potentials within the host-system, the super-neural-system. The more people think like you, the more the connections for in and out-put are strengthened. Our biological brain can only give us its best guess at our reality. That best guess comes from incoming information matched to information already stored. This is indicative, biosymbolic, of the function of the super-neural-network. Therefore because of the build up of the materialistic and ultra-competitive input we have given ourselves, the outcome is very unpleasant. Do not blame God. Blame yourself! If you have not focussed on sharing everything that you have, then you are strengthening the connection we call greed.  We are multi-cellular organisms for a reason. The reason is because we are multi-cellular super-entities. We function better in groups than alone. The man with the designer shirt has the seamstress to thank. The chef and those who receive his recipes have the farmer to thank. The farmer has the man who developed the machinery to thank. And so it goes on. Unless you begin to strip away everything that you have and understand that you really have nothing, this escalation of superiority, inequality, suffering and death will continue. 

What you have in life, whether you consider that you have worked your backside off for it or not, does not belong to you. You came into this world as a dependant and you will leave it as such. Who will bury your body? Are you not still a dependant in death?

To be fully human we have to, in all honesty, understand ourselves for what we really are. We are not fully human. We have participated in the race to succeed, to overcome and to be superior but to what end? Those who have inputted negativity into the system will receive it in their turn. We cannot, ever, become superior to what we are at our fundamental level. We are a unified system and we exchange information constantly. I create your reality and you create mine. There is no need for a race because, just like the rabbit and the hare, we all cross the finish line in the end.

Monday, 27 September 2021

Urgent Thoughts For Today

 I had no intention of beginning this Blog again in earnest at this particular time. However, I do feel within me a state of urgency. Therefore here I am again.

The world is in a mess. There are some 7.8 billion people on this beautiful planet at my time of writing, most of which will have no idea why certain events have been and continue to be taking place over the last 18 months. Some will fight the narrative. Some will pray. Some will fall into depression. Some will do worse. 

I am sixty two years of age and for very many of those years I have been called a 'seer' a 'psychic' and many rather less flattering names. So what do these names mean and what are seers and psychics really? They have been and generally are today recognised as people who are wise in the deeper aspects of reality. They are 'knowers' and have been consulted for generations by people wanting answers to questions they cannot find answers for themselves. In ancient times they were regarded as priests and priestesses. I want to explain how these people, including myself, do what we do and how. This may seem completely irrelevant to the purpose of this blog but bear with me and I hope it will explain many things.

Seers, prophets, psychics, priests and priestesses have been recognised for millennia as people who have insight into why certain events take place and their outcome. They have been consulted by kings and queens, chiefs and leaders right back through the mists of time. So what are they and how do they do what they do?

We are ordinary people with seemingly extraordinary insights. However, these apparent insights are perfectly natural. A seers is like the spider that sits in a web able to detect the slightest vibration, read it and respond accordingly. All language is vibration and we are the 'sound' that vibration makes. 

Stripped down to our core, we are all information processing systems formed from fundamental particles. Even though we are unaware, we are sharing information constantly at every level. This is because our individual systems are part of one holistic system, a super-neural-system into which we are entangled as subsystems, as super-neurons. This means that every thought I have, is connected to you via the super-neural-system and vice versa. In this way, you create my reality and I create yours. 

How is this relevant to what is happening to humans on a global scale today?

This is how it is relevant. The primary principle to remember about the holistic system from which we gain our sense of self-awareness, our feeling of being alive and conscious, is that whatever we put into the system is passed around the whole system and can be introduced into any or many subsystems - in other words, each of us because we are subsystems within the whole system. We make that unified system work because we are it. I am writing a book at the moment called The Theory of Biosymbolism. Believe me, this is NOT a promotion for the book. This blog is to make you aware of what is really going on and why. The Theory of Biosymbolism describes our basic primary functions as biologically symbolic of the primary functions of the unified system, the host system, to which we belong and of which we are integral parts.

The human brain's functionality is biosymbolic of that of the host system. I am not going to go into great detail here because this post is not for that purpose. However, our brain functions are images, living descriptions of the super-neural-system. Our brain increases the connections that we regularly use and it prunes back those that we do not. "If you don't use it, you lose it". Reinforced connections within the host-system are most regularly passed around its super-neurons - us. Therefore, if we all invest positive input into the host-system, we all receive positive output. 

For decades, humans, of which are a huge amount of our children, have played violent and negatively describing computer games. We have watched violent films. We have watched sadness, abuse, and many other upsetting inputs. We have watched governments covering up terrible events and lying. We have watched films and series describing theft, and deception and all kinds of deviancies.  And we have watched many films that describe science-fiction events converting and augmenting humans into machines. For example, the Terminator films. We have been excited by them. We have watched them with enthusiasm and enjoyment. We have considered them as nothing more than 'a bit of fun'. But what we do not realised is whatever input we create, we are converting and passing around our host-system. Science-fiction, murder and atrocities therefore become manifested. They become real. And now we are living the product of our creation. We have watched violence and abuse from the platform of 'entertainment'. We are no different from the hoards of spectators that attended the Roman amphitheatres watching people killing one another. The input is exactly the same. We have desensitised ourselves and because we have 'enjoyed' these negative films and games, we have sent them out into the host-system with a positive action potential. Therefore they are more acceptable to other subsystems, and our super-neural-system has learned that this is what we want. Therefore, this is what we've got! And now its totally experiential!

Millennia ago a wandering shaman tried to describe to the world his notion of reality, how it was governed by one holistic system that will punish the wicked and raise the good. This is what it meant. Those who have inputted violence into that divine system are now reaping what they have sown. And so are the rest of us. 

This is a very quick description of what is really happening. The book The Theory of Biosymbolism explains the processes in great detail which is why it's taking so long to write.

Be positive. Be loving. Be unified.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

The Not-So-Lost Race

There are no lost races. There is only one race and has only ever been one race. We are the shadow, the echo of that race that still exists before and aft in the all-time dot. We brought about our own destruction through our dabblings in the laboratory and we are doing it once more.

Our human system is not all human. There are more non-human cells than human cells in the system we consider is our own. 43% of the cells in our system are human. The remainder is made up of our microbiome. However, more than this there is the elements of other species that have been integrated into even that holistic system. This has been carried out artificially in laboratories all over the world. 

We are, now, chimeras, which is why zoonotic viruses appear to affect us. Our bodies resonate and react with and to the 'sound' or vibration of other species which are integrated into our own human system. 

Nothing of our reality exists externally. Everything is an internal experience. It is an intricate hallucination based upon the incoming and integral patterns of information within each human-non-human system. Therefore, when we perceive the effects of a so-called virus, we are actually experiencing our personal system receiving, processing and expelling an incoming 'foreign' sound. Dependant upon how much information we already have within our system which can resonate with incoming 'vibrational information' from a system foreign and yet connected to our own (because everything is connected), the reaction we experience will be at different levels. We appear to 'pass on' a viral infection when in reality we are triggering a resonating response to the 'sound' or vibration of another system. That system is stimulated into expulsion of the same 'foreign vibration' by the mechanism of the whole system vibrating to literally overpower that which is foreign. This will make the temperature of the body rise and cause fatigue and so on commonly presently recognise as a response to a virus.

If we dissect everything down to the subatomic, we find that everything is vibrating. Vibration is of key importance. It is the song of life. The configuration of all life is dependant upon its vibrating pattern. Each human system has its specific and individual 'sound' which is part of the overall 'song' of life. The 'sound' of each human is perfectly reproduced in the unique fingerprint of each human. 

The Garden of Eden

We are humans walking in our own garden.

How can any one person believe that he or she has an individual state of consciousness when we are a combination of organisms? If all life has  'consciousness' then surely each of us is a garden of consciousness? How then can humans continue this sense of superiority? And how can we really call ourselves 'human' if only some 43% of us is actually made of human cells and the rest constitutes our microbiome? Genetically we are totally overpowered. If we add together our own 20,000 genes and those of our microbiome which do have an effect upon our own, the total arrived at is between two and twenty million genes.

This means that with the overwhelming amount of genetic material that isn't actually human but is a garden of flora and fauna, that the human element of us, exists in our own personal garden. 

Understanding consciousness and the mechanisms that produce our perceived reality fully allows us the knowledge that the prophets and seers who wrote the Old Testament story of the Garden of Eden were actually attempting to describe the very same thing in the only language of description they had available to them at that time. The stories we have adopted as religion have a completely different and more meaningful purpose. That purpose was to give us a far deeper understanding of ourselves. The authors of those writings were literally way ahead of their time. And yet, as I'll explain in another blog post, time does not exist. In the meantime, the search for Eden will continue until it is realised that Eden is the name of a person and not a place. 

If we have our own DNA but also the DNA of our microbiome, are we really human or are we something else? And how does this affect our consciousness? From all of these microscopic entities that make up what we call 'ourselves' as a human system, are some of us therefore able to 'remember' the origins of life?  The answer is a resounding Yes. The problem is the disentangling of that information. It is like removing to examine one ingredient from a large soup! But it can be done.

In the same way that all the individual entities that combine to form the image and the mechanics of a human being and the sensation of individuality of mind, could each of those complex combinations be simply the description of how consciousness works? Yes. Consciousness is the coalescence of all information and our perceived reality is the coalescence of all consciousness.

The whole human represents the coalescence of a multitude of individual organisms that 'individually' recognise one another, communicate and respond to situations such as foreign bodies within that system.  Those non-human organisms have a profound effect on our health and wellbeing, both mental and physical. Therefore, it is important to feed our garden and its occupants well.

Each individual cell that forms the system we recognise as our human self creates a specific unit within  the integration of communication we have which gives us 'mind' and a sense of being alive. With this understanding, we can then place that whole system  into a much greater system, one we have understood previously to be God. It is not God but is in fact just as divine as that previous concept. Everything then becomes one whole being within and without. We have no separation from it. We are part of it, woven into it and integral to it. 

We are the fruiting bodies of consciousness. Through us, consciousness is expanded and the connections within it strengthened.

Thursday, 18 February 2021


.....which will be expanded in my forthcoming book...

Take a look at the details here and the short video regarding the Great Pyramid of Giza as a power plant and then look at Stonehenge UK and the quartz in the ringing blue stones. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid are aligned.

The Great Pyramid Of Giza Was Used As A Power Plant - Scientists Say (