Thursday, 28 October 2021

The Human Race - The Race To Be Human

Most humans today are like children that have never been taught to share. Until it is realised that everything you have has been given to you by others, the circle of greed and corruption will continue. No matter whether you are an individual trader or a hugely successful businessman earning millions, you owe everything you have to others. So whose is the wealth really?

The whole of our reality is the result of a discreet unified system. Everyone and everything is reliant on everyone and everything else. If we take the life we lead right down to the most basic, even the poor are reliant upon somebody else. The food we eat today is non existent without the man with the shovel and even if we look at our hunter gatherer past, without the input of other species and the Seasons we could not have survived. 

The book I am at present writing, The Theory Of Biosymbolism, explains in detail the way that our reality is formed. Each of us is dependant upon each other of us and all life as we understand. All of it is part of our unified system. Except that at this time, we do not appear unified....on the surface anyway.

The simple fact is that at our most fundamental level, we all appear as systems of quarks. This is the first manifested state of our true unification. We are unified at our most fundamental level which is information. Everything of our reality is built upon that foundation-state and the way that the system functions allows for our reality to become manifested to each of us as an individual. Think of our unified state as a super-neural-network with us as super-neurons within it. Each of us has the opportunity of input just like the sensory data that is inputted into our biological brain and each of us is forced to receive that input which, combined with the information that our own individual subsystem-neuron already holds, becomes the foundation of our own hallucinatory reality. The first principle of the Theory of Biosymbolism is that I create your reality and you create mine.

There exists at this time, a set of people who assume, wrongly, that they are able to exploit all other subsystems which are people and other life, to create absolute wealth for themselves. The mainframe of the super-neural-network does not allow for this to happen for long. In the end they will exploit one another even into death. In another blog on this address called Biosymbolism which will explain more of the Theory of Biosymbolism, I have written a new post explaining our input and output of the super-neural-network, the host-system, as a soup. I describe each of us as chefs, placing ingredients into the soup which we will all in the end have to taste. If the soup has been soured by unpleasant ingredients, everyone will have to experience that bad taste. There are those who consider themselves immune from participation in the resulting product. However, they are not immune. The soup is for everyone. It is the only dish that we can receive from. The soup is the reality we experience manifested by all that life inputs into it. No person is immune from the tasting, not even those who consider that they are. 

For years now, children and adults alike have invested many hours in playing computer games. Each of them has the ambition to win, to overcome and to receive credit and recognition, the result of killing and scoring points for doing so.  The information of these feelings is inputted into the host-system. We have watched films filled with gratuitous violence with enjoyment attached to what we see. The positivity attached to the information of these movies is inputted into the system. The science fiction films we have enjoyed showing scenes of  invading aliens torturing and mutilating humans, using us as slaves and taking over our Earth.....all is inputted into the system-soup as ingredients for the final recipe. The system is primed for information exchange. That is its primary function for growth and it learns through us. Therefore, the host-system that people in their ignorance have previously considered to be a separate God entity to us all, holds the information of both good and evil. It is a natural, living system, organic through us and it learns what we want...through us. It is an all giving God if you chose to call it so. It gives you exactly what you ask for and if you input enjoyment through violence, that is what you will get out of it. 

The connections in our biological human brain are reinforced the more they are used. Those connections that are not often used, in the brain's frugality, are pruned back. Our human brain is biosymbolic in its function to the super-neural-system. Therefore, as super-neurons within that super-neural-system, we strengthen or weaken the connections within it. We are part of our host-system, or God, if you like that term better, and it is us that procures the good or evil within it. Your thoughts are action potentials within the host-system, the super-neural-system. The more people think like you, the more the connections for in and out-put are strengthened. Our biological brain can only give us its best guess at our reality. That best guess comes from incoming information matched to information already stored. This is indicative, biosymbolic, of the function of the super-neural-network. Therefore because of the build up of the materialistic and ultra-competitive input we have given ourselves, the outcome is very unpleasant. Do not blame God. Blame yourself! If you have not focussed on sharing everything that you have, then you are strengthening the connection we call greed.  We are multi-cellular organisms for a reason. The reason is because we are multi-cellular super-entities. We function better in groups than alone. The man with the designer shirt has the seamstress to thank. The chef and those who receive his recipes have the farmer to thank. The farmer has the man who developed the machinery to thank. And so it goes on. Unless you begin to strip away everything that you have and understand that you really have nothing, this escalation of superiority, inequality, suffering and death will continue. 

What you have in life, whether you consider that you have worked your backside off for it or not, does not belong to you. You came into this world as a dependant and you will leave it as such. Who will bury your body? Are you not still a dependant in death?

To be fully human we have to, in all honesty, understand ourselves for what we really are. We are not fully human. We have participated in the race to succeed, to overcome and to be superior but to what end? Those who have inputted negativity into the system will receive it in their turn. We cannot, ever, become superior to what we are at our fundamental level. We are a unified system and we exchange information constantly. I create your reality and you create mine. There is no need for a race because, just like the rabbit and the hare, we all cross the finish line in the end.