It must be recognised that 'reality' is formed in a cyclic state from subatomic stored information, a state of Absolute Memory which we have called consciousness.
The scientific realist has no concept of how scientific, predominantly biological, interference affects that of super-science which is super-biology. Super-biology is the primary source of our being. Reality is the product of elemental memory triggered and brought together as schemas which determine the pathway of an individual according to the stored data within the Whole. The pathway of the individual affects the Whole. In other words, whatever we are led to do affects all parts of reality. We do not have choice. Our pathway in life is dictated by the illusory reality we experience which is produced by all people. The key is 'observance', observance of law produces observed reality. However, we have to re-evaluate the definition of what it is to be individual.
To consider oneself an individual is not conducive to the function of the Whole. One single cell in the human body is integrated into the system of the whole body. It is an individual part of a 'whole individual'. Each one of us has the sensation of individuality and yet we are inextricably connected to one another at a super-biological level. We are experientially organic subsystems within the whole system. Whatever we do affects all other parts of the whole system. What thoughts I have affect yours. What thoughts you have affect my own. What I do to another life affects you. What you do to another life affects me.
All experiential data is stored. It is stored within each subsystem, or each element of our perceived reality. In other words, every experience you have had within your life is broken down into the letters of the words that describe it. The book of your life is therefore long and intricate. It is also never lost. The pages written within it can be opened and read at any moment by anyone. However, the reading has an effect upon the whole of reality.
As people live their lives, they create triggers that emphasise particular threads of stored information. If a person focuses on a particular element of life for long enough, letters and words (in vibrational coded language) will become reinforced in their connections to the whole system. From there, related memory which is stored information will be communicated into the perceived mind of the perceived individual. The whole system is a super-brain from which we achieve our perception of reality and the mechanics of our form. It is also the root of the word God. Reality is completely interconnected. We are neurons within the super-brain, all interconnected and functioning with one another as organic subsystems within the Absolute System. Information exists deep within the subatomic. It does not exist as reality until it is focused upon. For example - the act of copulation to which we are all driven is the trigger for reproduction. Reproduction is just that....but the reproduction of memory. Memory is previously stored data and is the platform upon which our reality is built. Reproduction of life is the observance of law and the replication of memory.
The super-brain consists of complete and absolute data storage and we, as individual super-cellular organisms within that brain, have the ability to produce a reality based upon this. For example, my observance of the universe creates yours because I create your reality and you create mine. The meaning that we give to our universe is that which expands it. This happens from the moment we are conceived in the womb. Two sets of genetic information appear to fuse and yet the fusing is much deeper within the subatomic where memory is triggered for reproduction. This is the true meaning of marriage. God is the name historically given to the overall system of reproductive reality. We have misinterpreted this meaning. What God hath joined together let not man put asunder refers to the conception of new life which is recalled and combined genetic and non-genetic memory which, when conjoined, no person can separate. In the true marriage, there can be no divorce.
Memory is not simply the blueprint of the form of a newly developing human in the womb. Each element, dependant upon how its vibrational resonation takes place, will contain the complete experiential memory of each historic bloodline involved in the conception. Conception is the littlest big bang that has ever taken place complete with the explosion of light! This intricate combination of genetic and non-genetic information makes each person unique in his or her memory content and also forges a complete connection to everyone else. The memory contained within the subatomic element of DNA creates the person because super-memory creates DNA itself. Therefore to infuse non-conducive DNA or mRNA causes confusion within the system. It is like placing a bicycle chain upon a chain saw - the consequences are lethal. Each part of our perceived reality is created from a cloud of information. The cloud is bonded together by resonitic sound, conducive vibrational information that creates a lock and key. To infuse the sound of another species into the sound foundation of any other will cause disharmony. This was the downfall of man and the creation of mankind which is a kind-of-man, no longer pure and sickness free but blemished.
Disharmony was caused multiple millennia ago. The remnants of the crystallisation of the information produced within the laboratories of old are being repeated today in this the 21st Century. Disharmony within perfect sound is the true virus. Elements of dead viral disharmony exist and can be resonated into manifestation.
All life is driven by the law of creation. Creative Law is reproduction, reproduction of memory which enables life to exist. Every individual is imbued with the power of reproduction. This does not simply refer to the creation of descendants in a family line. It refers to the reproduction of memory. It refers to the reproduction of reality. Memory is information stored at a deep subatomic level. Information is drawn out from that subatomic library by triggers, by resonance, by resonitic sound. This will be explained in a forthcoming publication and is much too complex to explain here. Our human brain functions upon the sensation of reward. The more something allows us to feel that reward sensation, the more we become addicted to achieving it.
Our societies today function upon reward. We have created celebrities and celebrity status as a reflection of the true goal of law which is happiness and contentment. As I have said, we all create one another's reality. We reproduce each other from information stored within the deep subatomic ocean from which we have emerged and into which we shall return - hence the misinterpretation of the people of Atlantis disappearing beneath the waves.....the myth refers to information waves. This follows from the systematic reward mechanism within every person's brain which emanates as a replication of the mechanics of the super-brain, the super neural system that is the foundation of our reality and is the drive to produce the feeling of love and happiness, the fundamental law of the creation of reality.
However, reward can produce sinister outcomes. If, for example, one person is strongly influenced by the addiction to success which produces the reward sensation and succeeds in business attaining more money and acclamation than he or she knows what to do with, the addiction to reward is strengthened. It is a reinforced connection within the super-neural system. Without reward the individual begins to feel the downward spiral of withdrawal, like a drug addict trying to get clean. If there is no other recourse, the individual can enter into schemes that are damaging, not only to other life forms, but to the whole of reality production which destroys perfection (and has done in the long long distant past), and therefore the individual also destroys him or herself. Consider, for a moment, the foundation of reality, the super-memory, the place where the building blocks of reality exist, as a beautiful serene lake from which we all drink. If one person contaminates the lake even he or she will have to drink from it eventually. Information of the contamination remains and it can replicate as memory so that reality repeats itself. One person's reward addiction caused the way-historic downfall of humankind. History is repeating itself right now.
Absolute Memory is the infinite state we call consciousness and it consists of all the information that ever was, is and therefore shall be. As I write this post, I am not only Jane Roberts-Frost. I am my ancestry which is not the result of simple DNA analysis. It also combines all of the experiential events of my ancestry and their feelings towards them. My ancestors are not dead. Their lives are still happening. They exist still. My DNA is producing information in a series of cross-references with them and my thoughts are formed from cross-references of information contained within their and every other person's life . They are connected to me and without realising it, I experience the hereditary of their loves and their losses in the way that I react to the reality presented to me by you my reader, by my friends and family and theirs, and by my ancestry. My emotions are formed from the combination of Absolute Memory within my own being's system.
This is the reason for this post which pre-empts a forthcoming book. I am able to see, through the crossing of my deep ancestral resonation, the acts within the laboratories today which are repeating the acts of the past and will have detrimental effects upon the whole of reality. Those who are the addicts will also succumb to the results of their addiction.