There's a very interesting case about which a family member told me some years ago. It was an incident which confirmed his personal belief in ghosts and which added more intrigue to my own search for truth.
This particular family member was born and brought up in a small mining town in Scotland. Most of the men of the village worked down the coal pit and the mining families were all very close. Everybody knew everybody else due to the nature of their work.
The case about which I was told concerned a small girl, a daughter of one of the families in the village who, on her way home from the village school, liked to visit a family friend's house each afternoon. She would run up the path and knock on the door to say hello and tell them about what she had been doing at school that day. The friends had got to know her particular soft knock and were always pleased to see her. One particular afternoon was no different. The little knock came on the door and the two elderly family friends opened it and chatted with the little girl who then skipped off down the path towards home.
Later that evening, however, another knock came at the door. The friends answered it to find the little girl's father sobbing at the door. They brought him inside and sat him down. Between his sobs he told them that his little daughter had been on her way home from school and had been hit by a car and killed instantly. The friends were shocked and told the father that they had only just seen her that afternoon. He told them that was totally impossible because the accident happened right outside the school as she had run across the road from the school gates and the car had hit her and killed her there.
I was told at the time that the elderly friends had seen the child's ghost which I believed at the time and it made my personal search all the more intriguing.
The story came to mind today while I was mulling over my theory of ultimate memory. If our reality is created from constructs that already exist extracted by stimuli from an infinite information source which holds details of the building blocks of every scenario we find ourselves in, then the visiting child would not be a ghost but would be the image result of 'familiarity', the routine of the event which had been captured and held as information within the internal reality model in the brain of the friends. The elderly couple would not have known the child was dead until the father told them so which immediately changed the information flow and she never visited again. Our human brain appears to hold an immense amount of information, but what if that isn't really the case? What if there is a huge soup (let's say) of information held at a sub-atomic level in the form of vibration where each vibrational element represents a part of a chord perhaps or even a single note in a symphony, one extraordinary note which has no meaning alone but when included in an harmonious repertoire it is of great importance. That single note could be a letter in a word, in a sentence, in a paragraph, in a book and that book held in a library. And what if our brain is only a mechanism that brings that information, all those 'bits', together, processes them and gives them a whole meaning? If our brain is damaged, it cannot produce the same reality we normally experience because the processing mechanisms are broken. In this way, we become and individual information processing system producing everyone else's reality and theirs producing ours. I am therefore responsible for creating your reality and you are responsible for creating mine. An environmental signal stimulates a reaction from our bodies and our bodies respond accordingly processing downloaded, stimulated, information from the 'soup'. You are my environment and I am yours. I respond to the stimulus you provide and vice-versa. Right now I am sitting in my garden in the sun preparing this text for my blog. In so doing - even by the action of intent that I have of writing for you - I am changing YOUR environment. My 'intent' is in a state of superposition because you have not read this work yet. I have drawn information from the subatomic soup/cloud/call it what you will. When you do read it, this information which is in a state of 'intent' will have 'meaning'. Once it has meaning it becomes reality. I receive thoughts. Thoughts are information. I translate my thoughts into symbols which are shaped or patterned vibration which we have become familiar with. This work is making my thoughts YOUR reality. I am able to do this because my action replicates the mechanics of the formation of reality. My thoughts are information bleeding into my own individual system through stimulus. When that information reaches my own system of processing it is by the mechanism of 'intent'. Intent means the information is in a state that enables me to do something with it. I can do work with it. Work is the processing of same to the expansion of reality. Our true reality exists for us all but without stimulus, impulse that triggers reaction, it does not manifest.
I will endeavour to explain more of my theory in following posts.