Thursday, 12 March 2020

The Familiarity of Dreams and Visions.

I previously posted my thoughts and deductions concerning psychics and how their abilities manifest. This need for investigation emanates from my sixty years of personal experience. Our beings naturally strive for 'meaning' within our reality and I wanted/needed to understand why and how my personal experiences of psychic phenomena happened.

Gods, Goddesses and spirit forms are the historical personification of the natural forces of the universe. Those personifications arose from the efforts of our distant ancestors to understand the world around them. Those familiar personifications continue today due to the continuing need of some people to understand life, the universe and everything. This also includes the mystery arising around the abilities of some people to predict future events and to contact dead loved ones for example.

There appears to be two strands of enquiry that have emerged over the centuries. One is the continuation of spiritual belief which concretions have produced the organised religions across the world and the other is that of scientific experimentation. For myself, personally, there is no difference between the two considerations. Both require the understanding of the universe with which we are familiar whether from the subjective or objective perspective. One follows a natural path, accepting and embellishing that path as a 'whole' with little question. The other takes the 'natural' into the laboratory and places it beneath a microscope enabling the dissection and study of the 'whole' into its components parts.

Our beings naturally strive for 'meaning'. Our human brains, which are in complete darkness within the shell of our skull, have no other contact with the outside world, as we know it, apart from the sensory input they receive from the environment around us. This input is then combined with information which already exists in the brain and the result is the brain produces its perceived reality from the combination of that information which we claim as our own.

Dreams, visions, gods and spirits are familiar forms that the brain uses as its best guess to give meaning to incoming information that is not received from an external sensory root. I will give a deeper explanation of this in other blog posts. However, I personally would not have 'understood' my natural ability to predict and translate incoming information from sources external to my own experiences without having been told by my parents and siblings that I was a psychic. This was the trigger. This was the stimulus. I then began to investigate exactly what that meant and concluded, unfortunately, that the incoming information I received was from a person who had passed into the realms of the dead and who was communicating with me as a spirit form. This was reinforced by me then attending spiritualist churches in an effort for further explanation. Something still did not 'feel right' with me, however, as I was still sure deep down that this was no spirit talking to me, but rather it was God! I could not, no matter how hard I tried, do what other spiritual mediums did. I could not find a dead person that would talk to me! However, I continued to receive the weird writings I had always received along with the same strange dreams. The 'writings', in a very scriptural form, which, having just read the Book of Noah and previously many of the Biblical books, I find extremely similar and I am therefore able to translate the information received by the visionaries of the past into the science of which it was meant.

My own conclusion therefore, and I can only speak from personal study and experience, is that our human brain can only translate incoming information into a format with which it is familiar. I must, however, strongly state that I do not accept that the information from which our brains create our reality is simply that of the sensory input from the external (and I use that term very loosely) world around us but rather that we are systems of information processing within an infinite memory bank, information that exists at every point of 'now'. The temptation here is to continue to explain this further which I will in other blog posts. However, I will state here that there is no one god or many gods and there are no spirits, ghosts or ghouls. There is only an infinite memory bank which holds all the 'forms' or 'personifications' of natural mechanisms which form our reality from its conscious base. We are never un-conscious in the terms of information inputting itself into our personal system of processing. We are continuously receiving information which enables the mechanisms that keep our body functioning even while we sleep. We receive our dreams based upon the information incoming from all points of 'now' which our brain continues to convert into the format with which we are familiar enabling us to have meaning to those dreams in regular form. Therefore we cannot always understand them even though there are those people who say that we can. Interpretation is a personal thing. Each of you has a personal identification within the realms of 'memory' or rather the 'super memory' - the infinite memory bank. Your quantum credentials are totally unique and therefore so is the information that you resonate with. With correct analysis you will find that we are all connected to one another and to every aspect of the universe although each person's view of the universe produces a different and personal reality. Those personal elements of events and experience form memory inputted to the super-memory bank and the do not disappear. They are held infinitely and dependant upon events which produce triggers or stimulation, information of other peoples' events past present and future can be resonated or downloaded into your personal system. More later.