Friday, 21 February 2020

Psychics - Do They Or Don't They Exist

It would be easy for me to say immediately "Of course they exist!". I am a third generation psychic (so-called). Both my father and grandfather were gifted in that way and I use the word 'gifted' in its loosest possible form. For me, then, it is a difficult one to play devil's advocate as the argument is, obviously in my case, weighted towards the 'yes' corner because of my personal experiences over the last sixty years. However, I have never been one to accept any state of consciousness lightly and have spent most of my life exploring, not only the consequences and experiences of this much (and wrongly I might add) exalted ability which has become horrendously commercialised over the years, but what being psychic actually is! What is a psychic? How does psychic phenomena happen? People have been visiting psychics for millennia but why is it that many people seem to remain obsessed with visiting psychics in the 21st Century? And calling up 'the dead'? What do psychics offer in the way of communication with dead folk and how do they do it?

I have spent my life around psychics and spirit mediums. As I have already said, both my grandfather who lived with us until his death in 1966 and my father who I lost touch with due to his disagreement with my 'investigations' and who past away some ten years ago I think, were both mediums. My grandfather had the ability to 'see' auras around people which enabled him to judge their personalities and which lead to some terrible arguments in our home due to his dislike for certain friends of family members. My father on the other hand was a spirit medium, or somebody who can contact the supposed dead. The dictionary defines a 'psychic' as a person who has mental powers which cannot be explained. My personal experiences including the above mentioned is also people who can sense certain types of energy from people or places which they interpret as good or bad. They can experience forewarning of events and they can also receive and interpret information from items belonging to a person. Therefore, apart from our usual human five senses, seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting, psychics are inclined to have an extra sense or extrasensory perception.

Both psychics and spirit mediums are doing the same thing actually. They are reading 'information'. It might seem totally ludicrous to you to hear me say that our reality - the experience of the everyday world around us - isn't really real. But it isn't. Our reality is the product of what is happening in a world beyond the atoms of which we're made. My own interpretation of atoms is that they are not solid but mostly made of nothingness filled with tiny vortices which present as particles. It makes me smile to think of myself sitting here on my sofa with what I perceive as my gorgeous dog, Finn, typing away at this post when really, what I perceive as my sofa, my dog and my laptop is nothing more than what you are reading here....information. Our reality is the pen-tip of all the information that exists before it comes into being. I am typing this post for you and in so doing I am communicating with you something that is personal to my reality. And, more importantly, I am adding to YOUR reality. I am creating 'triggers' or 'action potentials' in your personal information system. It might be that you deem these posts totally fascinating, leading you to further your own explorations triggered by what I have written. You may also, however, treat them as totally bonkers and dismiss them but even in doing that you are not capable of dismissing them entirely because they have coloured your thinking one way or another and therefore they have had an effect upon your own reality. You cannot receive communication of any kind without it having an effect upon your own information supplying system. If we strip away all of our reality, all of the things we perceive as the world around us, we reduce that reality to an information soup of which we ourselves are ingredients. We are microsystems forming an experiential macrosystem which we 'learn' through familiarity is reality. We are super-connections in a super-brain which is consciousness. Each of us has a fundamental conscious state and that individual consciousness exists infinitely. Our reality, however, is built from that of other people. We cannot exist without their observance and we can perceive nothing of our personal reality without their having created it. Information cannot be destroyed but it can be 'seeded' in the form of what we perceive as particles.

I would say, therefore, without going into further of my own 'observations' that yes, psychics do exist because information is available to all and sundry in the form of 'inspiration' or a thought outside the box! And spirit mediums also exist but they do not yet comprehend that the messages they give from the supposed dead are simply 'memory' or 'stored information' within the systems that are the 'sitters' themselves asking them about dead loved ones. When a child is conceived, it is conceived from the information of both parents and their genetical line combined with the action potential of the act of copulation itself. The 'potential' of conception is always there as is the 'potential' to create anything but it requires the 'act' or stimulus to bring it into being. To copulate is the ultimate act of observance causing memory to become reality and therefore expand.