Thursday, 10 December 2020


It must be recognised that 'reality' is formed in a cyclic state from subatomic stored information, a state of Absolute Memory which we have called consciousness.

The scientific realist has no concept of how scientific, predominantly biological, interference affects that of super-science which is super-biology. Super-biology  is the primary source of our being. Reality is the product of elemental memory triggered and brought together as schemas which determine the pathway of an individual according to the stored data within the Whole. The pathway of the individual affects the Whole. In other words, whatever we are led to do affects all parts of reality. We do not have choice. Our pathway in life is dictated by the illusory reality we experience which is produced by all people. The key is 'observance', observance of law produces observed reality.  However, we have to re-evaluate the definition of what it is to be individual.  

To consider oneself an individual is not conducive to the function of the Whole.  One single cell in the human body is integrated into the system of the whole body. It is an individual part of a 'whole individual'. Each one of us has the sensation of individuality and yet we are inextricably connected to one another at a super-biological level. We are experientially organic subsystems within the whole system. Whatever we do affects all other parts of the whole system. What thoughts I have affect yours. What thoughts you have affect my own. What I do to another life affects you. What you do to another life affects me.

All experiential data is stored. It is stored within each subsystem, or each element of our perceived reality. In other words, every experience you have had within your life is broken down into the letters of the words that describe it. The book of your life is therefore long and intricate. It is also never lost. The pages written within it can be opened and read at any moment by anyone. However, the reading has an effect upon the whole of reality. 

 As  people live their lives, they create triggers that emphasise particular threads of stored information. If a person focuses on a particular element of life for long enough, letters and words (in vibrational coded language) will become reinforced in their connections to the whole system. From there, related memory which is stored information will be communicated into the perceived mind of the perceived individual. The whole system is a super-brain from which we achieve our perception of reality and the mechanics of our form. It is also the root of the word God.  Reality is completely interconnected. We are neurons within the super-brain, all interconnected and functioning with one another as organic subsystems within the Absolute System. Information exists deep within the subatomic. It does not exist as reality until it is focused upon. For example - the act of copulation to which we are all driven is the trigger for reproduction. Reproduction is just that....but the reproduction of memory. Memory is previously stored data and is the platform upon which our reality is built. Reproduction of life is the observance of law and the replication of memory.

The super-brain consists of complete and absolute data storage and we, as individual super-cellular organisms within that brain, have the ability to produce a reality based upon this. For example, my observance of the universe creates yours because I create your reality and you create mine. The meaning that we give to our universe is that which expands it.  This happens from the moment we are conceived in the womb.  Two sets of genetic information appear to fuse and yet the fusing is much deeper within the subatomic where memory is triggered for reproduction. This is the true meaning of marriage. God  is the name historically given to the overall system of reproductive reality. We have misinterpreted this meaning. What God hath joined together let not man put asunder refers to the conception of new life which is recalled and combined genetic and non-genetic memory which, when conjoined, no person can separate. In the true marriage, there can be no divorce.  

Memory is not simply the blueprint of the form of a newly developing human in the womb.  Each element, dependant upon how its vibrational resonation takes place, will contain  the complete experiential memory of each historic bloodline involved in the conception. Conception is the littlest big bang that has ever taken place complete with the explosion of light! This intricate combination of genetic and non-genetic information makes each person unique in his or her memory content and also forges a complete connection to everyone else. The memory contained within the subatomic element of DNA creates the person because super-memory  creates  DNA itself. Therefore to infuse non-conducive DNA or mRNA causes confusion within the system. It is like placing a bicycle chain upon a chain saw - the consequences are lethal. Each part of our perceived reality is created from a cloud of information. The cloud is bonded together by resonitic sound, conducive vibrational information that creates a lock and key. To infuse the sound of another species into the sound foundation of any other will cause disharmony. This was the downfall of man and the creation of mankind  which is a kind-of-man, no longer pure and sickness free but blemished.

Disharmony was caused multiple millennia ago. The remnants of the crystallisation of the information produced within the laboratories of old are being repeated today in this the 21st Century. Disharmony within perfect sound is the true virus. Elements of dead viral disharmony exist and can be resonated into manifestation. 

 All life is driven by the law of creation. Creative Law is reproduction, reproduction of memory which enables life to exist. Every individual is imbued with the power of reproduction. This does not simply refer to the creation of descendants in a family line. It refers to the reproduction of memory. It refers to the reproduction of reality. Memory is information stored at a deep subatomic level. Information is drawn out from that subatomic library by triggers, by resonance, by resonitic sound. This will be explained in a forthcoming publication and is much too complex to explain here.  Our human brain functions upon the sensation of reward. The more something allows us to feel that reward sensation, the more we become addicted to achieving it. 

Our societies today function upon reward. We have created celebrities and celebrity status as a reflection of the true goal of law which is happiness and contentment. As I have said, we all create one another's reality. We reproduce each other from information stored within the deep subatomic ocean from which we have emerged and into which we shall return - hence the misinterpretation of the people of Atlantis disappearing beneath the waves.....the myth refers to information waves. This follows from the systematic reward mechanism within every person's brain which emanates as a replication of the mechanics of the super-brain, the super neural system that is the foundation of our reality and is the drive to produce the feeling of love and happiness, the fundamental law of the creation of reality.

However, reward can produce sinister outcomes. If, for example, one person is strongly influenced by the addiction to success which produces the reward sensation and succeeds in business attaining more money and acclamation than he or she knows what to do with, the addiction to reward is strengthened. It is a reinforced connection within the super-neural system. Without reward the individual begins to feel the downward spiral of withdrawal, like a drug addict trying to get clean. If there is no other recourse, the individual can enter into schemes that are damaging, not only to other life forms, but to the whole of reality production which destroys perfection (and has done in the long long distant past), and therefore the individual also destroys him or herself. Consider, for a moment, the foundation of reality, the super-memory, the place where the building blocks of reality exist,  as a beautiful serene lake from which we all drink. If one person contaminates the lake even he or she will have to drink from it eventually. Information of the contamination remains and it can replicate as memory so that reality repeats itself. One person's reward addiction caused the way-historic downfall of humankind. History is repeating itself right now.  

Absolute Memory is the infinite state we call consciousness and it consists of all the information that ever was, is and therefore shall be.  As I write this post, I am not only Jane Roberts-Frost. I am my ancestry which is not the result of simple DNA analysis. It also combines all of the experiential events of my ancestry and their feelings towards them.  My ancestors are not dead.  Their lives are still happening.  They exist still. My DNA is producing information in a series of cross-references with them and my thoughts are formed from cross-references of information contained within their and every other person's life . They are connected to me and without realising it, I experience the hereditary of their loves and their losses in the way that I react to the reality presented to me by you my reader, by my friends and family and theirs, and by my ancestry. My emotions are formed from the combination of Absolute Memory within my own being's system.

This is the reason for this post which pre-empts a forthcoming book. I am able to see, through the crossing of my deep ancestral resonation, the acts within the laboratories today which are repeating the acts of the past and will have detrimental effects upon the whole of reality. Those who are the addicts will also succumb to the results of their addiction.

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Particle Awareness - Extract from forthcoming publication

The sense of self-awareness we have is a constant and eternal awareness produced by the infinite exchange of information and its' storage. In truth, there is no such state as a 'conscious state' as is presently understood. There is no external reality. There is only the awareness of information exchange, connected or un-connected to and from the form of a human or non-human. 

"Consciousness" which is the constant state of particle-awareness to which we have given the name 'consciousness' is simply the sensation of the connection between all atoms. It is the sensation of the information exchange that takes place between particles. This is the part of us that we will never lose because we cannot. The complexity of a connection between particle-awareness and the sensation of it being attached to a human or non-human form is intricate. 

 Note: The publication I am preparing at present will explain how reality is formed from what we assume is our individuality, our individual-duality.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Not So Real Reality

We are consciousness itself, first and foremost. We are a point in the potential of all potential. If you choose to use the word 'God' then we are each a gene to be switched on in the body of God. Until we are switched on we remain in a state of 'all-being', of an infinite action potential.

How do we get switched on? I will answer in the first person...

I, Jane Roberts-Frost am, at the core of how I appear to you, a cell of consciousness. At my core is a sense of individuality, a separation from the world around me and a space all of my own. Into that space is bled all of the information I need to create my environment. That information comes from within, from the information library held by the all-conscious of which you, my reader are a part. You are the stimulus or trigger for my created universe. You trigger the creation of my reality and I trigger that of yours. We are interconnected in this way. We experience our realities via the mechanics of creation and those are all around us. We can only create technology of any kind via the mechanisms that bring us into being. Not only is my reality created by you and others, but also their forebears and mine. Reality is inherent. The building blocks are all there for us and we create the stimuli that manifests information therefrom. Therefore everything of our reality is created from memory.

As a seed of possibility then, my individual consciousness lay in total awareness in a state of 'waiting'. I was a consciousness gene waiting to be switched on. I had no reality of my own until the mechanism that allowed my inherent reality to 'become' was triggered. The trigger was the copulation mechanism of my parents. They created the spark that created the light that drew me from the state of 'nothing'. The light was created by the mechanism of life which is copulation.

Conception is the giving of memory.. At my conception, I was given memory. The appearance I have is the memory of my mother and my father's line of form. At the point of 'me' the two lines cross. I am the crossing point of my mother and my father's line of form. I am their memorised form combined. Form is not only tangible but it is also the non-tangible, the memory of experience and knowledge given within the form. I am the product of the cross. This is the origin of the symbol of the cross.

The 'I am' is not only the combined memory of my parents but also the inherent memory of their line of informed-form combined. I carry the possibility of all the reality memory of every person connected to them. This means that I am also connected to you, my reader. No matter how complex the connection, it is there. For example, if my five generations ago grandmother met a person and shared information with that person, even the slightest glance as they passed on the street, that information is stored in my own inherent reality.

Reality is memory woven into and making up the threads of all consciousness cells within the super consciousness people might call God. We are God-cells or God-genes. Therefore we are God itself, capable of accessing and manipulating all memory, the good and the bad. If we are aware of this, we can understand the bad things that some people do and learn how to erase them from the complete conscious memory. The bad experiences we have to sometimes endure are created by other peoples' manifestations, or their 'unconscious' remembering of bad situations in their own memory state interwoven with their parental informed-form. I have, like many, had bad experiences in my past. To still create happiness and to be happy in my present state of being I have to place those bad memories in an imaginary box and lock them away. If I did not do this, then those bad memories, which are all information, will become the centre point of my existence, continual focus will affect not only myself but those around me, a virus contaminating my loved ones. If we apply this to the super-memory, the God-memory, the same thing happens. We are all connected to that one memory and if even one person has the misfortune to be in a situation that triggers the download of information relating to an unpleasant, bad or evil doing which is all stored in the super-memory, then others will become infected as the information manifests through natural mechanics. This is the meaning of Pandora's Box and also the release of Satan from his captivity, nothing more nothing less.

The continuation of belief in good and evil forces simply reinforces the manifestation of them equally strongly. In truth there is no evil, only the manifestation of its existence which emerges from the complete ignorance of the mechanics of the formation of reality and its root - complete consciousness which is Love alone. There is nothing to fear only fear itself.

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Reality and Us

Whatever we experience as our reality is the result of input from other people. Our reality is our own creation in that we accept the input from those 'other people'. As children we're told that that woody, leafy, tall and branched 'thing' is a tree. We therefore accept it as a tree. It is inputted into our brain's internal information library and there it stays to be matched with the light input that resembles a tree. Therefore we have a tree. However, not only have we what we presume to be the 'local' tree-input but we also have a non-local input of a tree. We are connected to everything around us via information processing; streams of information come into our system not from the reality we perceive but from our true reality which is patterned information that we have become very familiar with.

We are neurons in a super-brain system which gives us the perception of a reality. In truth the real 'us' is a conscious entity, part of a super-memory system which produces all the information forming all the patterns we presume is the reality around us. The tree does therefore not exist! Only patterns of information exist which we have called a tree. The tree is a semblance of vibrational patterns. We can call those vibrational patterns 'information' because they have 'meaning'. So the vibrational patterns that we see have become a tree because they are recognised patterns and we have given them a voice....the 'sound' of the combined vibration which is within us, not outside of us, and which we have, because of our system's mechanisms been able to voice as a tree. We can shape the sound of the vibrational pattern that is a tree and express it as just that. The sound we make that says 'tree' is an echo of the vibration given by the tree-pattern within us. Our system is a sound-machine. We experience the tree-pattern within our conscious system through its vibration. We echo that vibration into what we presume is language. The recognised sound and shape of the tree is 'memorised' within the 'super-brain' system from which we receive all of our information and we can echo its form and vibration.

Everything of our reality, even the universe we presume is above and all around us, is within us. We are replicants of the mechanics of consciousness. The mechanics of consciousness are towards reproduction and expansion of 'the self' which is not us. The 'self' is what we are integral to. Like an individual cell in the whole system of cells that make up our presumed human body, we function as an individual and yet integral system within an overall system. That overall system has a data storage capacity which enables us, as triggers or stimuli become apparent, to involuntarily (or in my own personal case deliberately) download relevant information. When a person realises that they are systems within systems with an overall system and that they have the capability of receiving information concerning anything, then that person will take a huge evolutionary leap.

We are in a constant state of action potential, not from what we consider to be he world around us because that does not exist. We are constantly receiving input from the internal universal memory which is where we truly exist and the tiny system that we call our brain endeavours to process this giving us its best guess at what we perceive as the world around us. We consume food. The food is processed and we return it to the earth to allow the whole process to begin again. From the waste product we return to the earth, information is again gathered which increases the reinforcement of the tree shape we understand. Strangely, and part of another story I could tell you, in the bible it says "And they shall eat their own dung", which is absolutely what we do if we analyse things correctly. The whole universe we see through our telescopes is a replication of our own mechanics. We input information into the telescope when we look through it. Within the telescope information is processed and what we see is the outcome, it is in truth the 'output' of the information we have received from our own mechanics. We cannot create anything from which we are not constructed. A system can only reproduce itself. The telescope is an axon. It is creative. Like a black hole.

Inspiration arrives with us because there has been a trigger or some stimulus that has 'clicked' upon the memory release enabling us to give the shaped information received into our consciousness meaning. Reality does not exist externally. It exists internally. It feels very real due to the fields created around the multitude of systems which are all interacting and repelling each other at a constant rate. The repulsion is relevant to the 'sound' or vibration of a system. The same happens with the conception of a child. Unless the 'sound' is conducive and resonant, there will be no pregnancy.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

The Case of the Visiting Girl

There's a very interesting case about which a family member told me some years ago. It was an incident which confirmed his personal belief in ghosts and which added more intrigue to my own search for truth.

This particular family member was born and brought up in a small mining town in Scotland. Most of the men of the village worked down the coal pit and the mining families were all very close. Everybody knew everybody else due to the nature of their work.

The case about which I was told concerned a small girl, a daughter of one of the families in the village who, on her way home from the village school, liked to visit a family friend's house each afternoon. She would run up the path and knock on the door to say hello and tell them about what she had been doing at school that day. The friends had got to know her particular soft knock and were always pleased to see her. One particular afternoon was no different. The little knock came on the door and the two elderly family friends opened it and chatted with the little girl who then skipped off down the path towards home.

Later that evening, however, another knock came at the door. The friends answered it to find the little girl's father sobbing at the door. They brought him inside and sat him down. Between his sobs he told them that his little daughter had been on her way home from school and had been hit by a car and killed instantly. The friends were shocked and told the father that they had only just seen her that afternoon. He told them that was totally impossible because the accident happened right outside the school as she had run across the road from the school gates and the car had hit her and killed her there.

I was told at the time that the elderly friends had seen the child's ghost which I believed at the time and it made my personal search all the more intriguing.

The story came to mind today while I was mulling over my theory of ultimate memory. If our reality is created from constructs that already exist extracted by stimuli from an infinite information source which holds details of the building blocks of every scenario we find ourselves in, then the visiting child would not be a ghost but would be the image result of 'familiarity', the routine of the event which had been captured and held as information within the internal reality model in the brain of the friends. The elderly couple would not have known the child was dead until the father told them so which immediately changed the information flow and she never visited again. Our human brain appears to hold an immense amount of information, but what if that isn't really the case? What if there is a huge soup (let's say) of information held at a sub-atomic level in the form of vibration where each vibrational element represents a part of a chord perhaps or even a single note in a symphony, one extraordinary note which has no meaning alone but when included in an harmonious repertoire it is of great importance. That single note could be a letter in a word, in a sentence, in a paragraph, in a book and that book held in a library. And what if our brain is only a mechanism that brings that information, all those 'bits', together, processes them and gives them a whole meaning? If our brain is damaged, it cannot produce the same reality we normally experience because the processing mechanisms are broken. In this way, we become and individual information processing system producing everyone else's reality and theirs producing ours. I am therefore responsible for creating your reality and you are responsible for creating mine. An environmental signal stimulates a reaction from our bodies and our bodies respond accordingly processing downloaded, stimulated, information from the 'soup'. You are my environment and I am yours. I respond to the stimulus you provide and vice-versa. Right now I am sitting in my garden in the sun preparing this text for my blog. In so doing - even by the action of intent that I have of writing for you - I am changing YOUR environment. My 'intent' is in a state of superposition because you have not read this work yet. I have drawn information from the subatomic soup/cloud/call it what you will. When you do read it, this information which is in a state of 'intent' will have 'meaning'. Once it has meaning it becomes reality. I receive thoughts. Thoughts are information. I translate my thoughts into symbols which are shaped or patterned vibration which we have become familiar with. This work is making my thoughts YOUR reality. I am able to do this because my action replicates the mechanics of the formation of reality. My thoughts are information bleeding into my own individual system through stimulus. When that information reaches my own system of processing it is by the mechanism of 'intent'. Intent means the information is in a state that enables me to do something with it. I can do work with it. Work is the processing of same to the expansion of reality. Our true reality exists for us all but without stimulus, impulse that triggers reaction, it does not manifest.

I will endeavour to explain more of my theory in following posts.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

The Familiarity of Dreams and Visions.

I previously posted my thoughts and deductions concerning psychics and how their abilities manifest. This need for investigation emanates from my sixty years of personal experience. Our beings naturally strive for 'meaning' within our reality and I wanted/needed to understand why and how my personal experiences of psychic phenomena happened.

Gods, Goddesses and spirit forms are the historical personification of the natural forces of the universe. Those personifications arose from the efforts of our distant ancestors to understand the world around them. Those familiar personifications continue today due to the continuing need of some people to understand life, the universe and everything. This also includes the mystery arising around the abilities of some people to predict future events and to contact dead loved ones for example.

There appears to be two strands of enquiry that have emerged over the centuries. One is the continuation of spiritual belief which concretions have produced the organised religions across the world and the other is that of scientific experimentation. For myself, personally, there is no difference between the two considerations. Both require the understanding of the universe with which we are familiar whether from the subjective or objective perspective. One follows a natural path, accepting and embellishing that path as a 'whole' with little question. The other takes the 'natural' into the laboratory and places it beneath a microscope enabling the dissection and study of the 'whole' into its components parts.

Our beings naturally strive for 'meaning'. Our human brains, which are in complete darkness within the shell of our skull, have no other contact with the outside world, as we know it, apart from the sensory input they receive from the environment around us. This input is then combined with information which already exists in the brain and the result is the brain produces its perceived reality from the combination of that information which we claim as our own.

Dreams, visions, gods and spirits are familiar forms that the brain uses as its best guess to give meaning to incoming information that is not received from an external sensory root. I will give a deeper explanation of this in other blog posts. However, I personally would not have 'understood' my natural ability to predict and translate incoming information from sources external to my own experiences without having been told by my parents and siblings that I was a psychic. This was the trigger. This was the stimulus. I then began to investigate exactly what that meant and concluded, unfortunately, that the incoming information I received was from a person who had passed into the realms of the dead and who was communicating with me as a spirit form. This was reinforced by me then attending spiritualist churches in an effort for further explanation. Something still did not 'feel right' with me, however, as I was still sure deep down that this was no spirit talking to me, but rather it was God! I could not, no matter how hard I tried, do what other spiritual mediums did. I could not find a dead person that would talk to me! However, I continued to receive the weird writings I had always received along with the same strange dreams. The 'writings', in a very scriptural form, which, having just read the Book of Noah and previously many of the Biblical books, I find extremely similar and I am therefore able to translate the information received by the visionaries of the past into the science of which it was meant.

My own conclusion therefore, and I can only speak from personal study and experience, is that our human brain can only translate incoming information into a format with which it is familiar. I must, however, strongly state that I do not accept that the information from which our brains create our reality is simply that of the sensory input from the external (and I use that term very loosely) world around us but rather that we are systems of information processing within an infinite memory bank, information that exists at every point of 'now'. The temptation here is to continue to explain this further which I will in other blog posts. However, I will state here that there is no one god or many gods and there are no spirits, ghosts or ghouls. There is only an infinite memory bank which holds all the 'forms' or 'personifications' of natural mechanisms which form our reality from its conscious base. We are never un-conscious in the terms of information inputting itself into our personal system of processing. We are continuously receiving information which enables the mechanisms that keep our body functioning even while we sleep. We receive our dreams based upon the information incoming from all points of 'now' which our brain continues to convert into the format with which we are familiar enabling us to have meaning to those dreams in regular form. Therefore we cannot always understand them even though there are those people who say that we can. Interpretation is a personal thing. Each of you has a personal identification within the realms of 'memory' or rather the 'super memory' - the infinite memory bank. Your quantum credentials are totally unique and therefore so is the information that you resonate with. With correct analysis you will find that we are all connected to one another and to every aspect of the universe although each person's view of the universe produces a different and personal reality. Those personal elements of events and experience form memory inputted to the super-memory bank and the do not disappear. They are held infinitely and dependant upon events which produce triggers or stimulation, information of other peoples' events past present and future can be resonated or downloaded into your personal system. More later.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Psychics - Do They Or Don't They Exist

It would be easy for me to say immediately "Of course they exist!". I am a third generation psychic (so-called). Both my father and grandfather were gifted in that way and I use the word 'gifted' in its loosest possible form. For me, then, it is a difficult one to play devil's advocate as the argument is, obviously in my case, weighted towards the 'yes' corner because of my personal experiences over the last sixty years. However, I have never been one to accept any state of consciousness lightly and have spent most of my life exploring, not only the consequences and experiences of this much (and wrongly I might add) exalted ability which has become horrendously commercialised over the years, but what being psychic actually is! What is a psychic? How does psychic phenomena happen? People have been visiting psychics for millennia but why is it that many people seem to remain obsessed with visiting psychics in the 21st Century? And calling up 'the dead'? What do psychics offer in the way of communication with dead folk and how do they do it?

I have spent my life around psychics and spirit mediums. As I have already said, both my grandfather who lived with us until his death in 1966 and my father who I lost touch with due to his disagreement with my 'investigations' and who past away some ten years ago I think, were both mediums. My grandfather had the ability to 'see' auras around people which enabled him to judge their personalities and which lead to some terrible arguments in our home due to his dislike for certain friends of family members. My father on the other hand was a spirit medium, or somebody who can contact the supposed dead. The dictionary defines a 'psychic' as a person who has mental powers which cannot be explained. My personal experiences including the above mentioned is also people who can sense certain types of energy from people or places which they interpret as good or bad. They can experience forewarning of events and they can also receive and interpret information from items belonging to a person. Therefore, apart from our usual human five senses, seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting, psychics are inclined to have an extra sense or extrasensory perception.

Both psychics and spirit mediums are doing the same thing actually. They are reading 'information'. It might seem totally ludicrous to you to hear me say that our reality - the experience of the everyday world around us - isn't really real. But it isn't. Our reality is the product of what is happening in a world beyond the atoms of which we're made. My own interpretation of atoms is that they are not solid but mostly made of nothingness filled with tiny vortices which present as particles. It makes me smile to think of myself sitting here on my sofa with what I perceive as my gorgeous dog, Finn, typing away at this post when really, what I perceive as my sofa, my dog and my laptop is nothing more than what you are reading here....information. Our reality is the pen-tip of all the information that exists before it comes into being. I am typing this post for you and in so doing I am communicating with you something that is personal to my reality. And, more importantly, I am adding to YOUR reality. I am creating 'triggers' or 'action potentials' in your personal information system. It might be that you deem these posts totally fascinating, leading you to further your own explorations triggered by what I have written. You may also, however, treat them as totally bonkers and dismiss them but even in doing that you are not capable of dismissing them entirely because they have coloured your thinking one way or another and therefore they have had an effect upon your own reality. You cannot receive communication of any kind without it having an effect upon your own information supplying system. If we strip away all of our reality, all of the things we perceive as the world around us, we reduce that reality to an information soup of which we ourselves are ingredients. We are microsystems forming an experiential macrosystem which we 'learn' through familiarity is reality. We are super-connections in a super-brain which is consciousness. Each of us has a fundamental conscious state and that individual consciousness exists infinitely. Our reality, however, is built from that of other people. We cannot exist without their observance and we can perceive nothing of our personal reality without their having created it. Information cannot be destroyed but it can be 'seeded' in the form of what we perceive as particles.

I would say, therefore, without going into further of my own 'observations' that yes, psychics do exist because information is available to all and sundry in the form of 'inspiration' or a thought outside the box! And spirit mediums also exist but they do not yet comprehend that the messages they give from the supposed dead are simply 'memory' or 'stored information' within the systems that are the 'sitters' themselves asking them about dead loved ones. When a child is conceived, it is conceived from the information of both parents and their genetical line combined with the action potential of the act of copulation itself. The 'potential' of conception is always there as is the 'potential' to create anything but it requires the 'act' or stimulus to bring it into being. To copulate is the ultimate act of observance causing memory to become reality and therefore expand.