I hope that the information in this blog will help you to understand yourself and the world around you much better. I am giving this information to you free of charge but at least, if you are inspired by anything written here, have the decency to give my name to anything you use. With many thanks.
Consciousness is super-memory. Its the product of information exchange producing measurable energy. Our own brains have an internal library where information we've gleaned since birth is held. Sensory input stimulates the release and matching of brain-held information and from that exchange we receive our perceived reality. However, the mechanics of this reality production is relative to information held in what I call a 'super-brain'. Imagine taking away all the flesh, blood and bone of your own being but leaving the mechanics of how your body works in place. Now look at how your neural system works. Sensory input stimulates brain connections and so on. Now visualise your own mechanics as a tiny part of a much larger system of mechanics....rather like being one neuron in a much larger neural system matching and exchanging information in a much larger reality. You wouldn't be aware of that larger reality however. You would only be aware of your tiny piece of it and the functions that are built into your own little system. You would perhaps consider yourself as separate to the other information processing systems around you with free will but would actually....not be. You would simply be a part of a much greater organised system exchanging information with your whole environment which is also a part of that much larger system.
The mechanics by which we simply function can be summed up with our basic needs in life. Food and drink, warmth, comfort and safety are extremely important to us but the mechanism beneath those functions is universal. They are one of information processing and exchange. We are hungry and thirsty not because our physical body is but because our atoms are responding to the natural inbuilt mechanism that requires information exchange between them. Our physical mechanism consumes our food, processes and distributes it throughout our body before depositing the waste product. That waste product creates the earth in which we grow our food and to which we are ultimately connected as a child in the womb is connected to the placenta of its mother. In terms of the super-biological mechanics which produce our own perceived reality, atoms hold and exchange information at a constant rate. The mechanisms of their information exchange produces a model which we call a black hole. As information is exchanged between atoms, the mechanisms of exchange are magnified and become larger. The ultimate of these being the black hole models that govern our digestive and breathing processes. Indeed each cell of our body functions according to the simply law of information exchange. Therefore our bio-body works upon the mechanisms of super-biology. If the system works, don't change it! And the system produces us which produce the system!
Christianity, most especially, has tried to teach us that copulation is something dirty and yet this too is information exchange. Many aspects of religion tell us that copulation is a 'sin', something unnatural that we should be ashamed of and only participate in for the necessity of creating children and this strict misconception of the Natural Law of information exchange has brought about the terrible consequences that we have to endure today like rape, paedophilia and other sex crimes. These crimes take place because of the shame that now surrounds our natural urges. What people do not realise is that whatever we do in our reality is subject to the information that is within the internal model of the super-brain...previously perceived as a god or gods but which is the data processing system we are all subject to because we are a part of. Pure information produces a loving, understanding, respectful society working with Natural Law and not against it. Yes, we live in a modern age but our core mechanisms remain and those are of information exchange. Think of it this way, a soup is subject to the ingredients placed in it. If you think of our existence, our whole reality, as a soup then everything you add to it and everything that everyone else adds to it alters the flavour. Once an ingredient is added it is impossible to take it away again. You might think that by being a good and loving person you are doing your best to make the flavour of the soup a good one. But ingredients to the soup are not simply about humans. We are the most advanced evolutionary entities that exist and we are capable of creating a much better reality for ourselves and for all. We have the ability to feel emotions and to empathise but we need to realise that it isn't simply humans that feel those things. Other species of consciousness also feel emotions. They feel joy and they feel pain just the same way as we do. And that is what everything of our reality is, different species of consciousness. Non-human species are subject to the same conscious thoughts as we are and they are also subject to the same subconscious mechanics as we are. In other words, they too are partakers of the soup. Therefore, if we are cruel to other species of consciousness which includes the natural world around us and all of the non-human species of consciousness, that information is added to the soup and it cannot be subtracted. Once in the soup, it is consumed by all and sundry until we become aware of it because we are sick. There is no doubt that the information soup that we have to consume is contaminated but an awareness of that contamination causes an immune response which deflects the effects within our own system. Never forget that the whole mechanics of our human body is rooted in quantum mechanics, in a super-system that produces the biology we experience. We have an immune system that helps to fight off disease and we have this because the super-system, the super-biological-system, has this. We are connected inextricably to that system, built into it, and a functioning part of it that makes the whole system work. We are inexperienced cooks in the kitchen of reality. We have added ingredients to the information soup that are making everything sick. We have added, unwittingly, a virus to the machine and we are reaping the consequences. But we can put up a firewall and that firewall is knowledge, wisdom, and an awareness and analysis of everything.
As children, we are subject to the sensory input provided by our family and friends. They create the pathways that we follow and the way that we live our lives. We are subject to their input which can sometimes be such a strong influence that we can become extremely confused internally because we do not hold the same views or see the world the way others see it. I was walking over the moors with my husband and my dog. The moor top was covered in heather which made walking very difficult. However, to reach the rocky outcrop that we had seen and where we wanted to sit and have our lunch, we had to negotiate the difficult terrain. We also knew that there were adders, Britain's only poisonous snakes, up on those moors and we were concerned about our dog being bitten. So fear created the need for us to stick to the little pathways that other people and the sheep had left across the moor knowing that we would be safer on those pathways than straying into the heather. So other people and the sheep, I might add who are also part of the super-brains mechanisms, had created the pathways that we chose, for safety, to follow. This little explanation of my personal experience is what happens throughout our lives. Our environment, which involves people and other animals, creates our pathways for us. We are inextricably connected to everything. The information my husband and I acted upon up on that moor is memory. Information previously imprinted by other people and other animals. We are connected to it in a way that most of us do not understand and we are connected to information provided by people and environments that we don't even know we have available! As one system, we have connections to everything in a multi-complex information system that has effect upon everything everywhere every-when!
As humans, we should not now function, in these days of growing investigation and awareness of consciousness and reality, as non-human animals. We are humans, which is an entirely evolved species of consciousness altogether with the ability to create a loving environment for all. Think of our evolution as the first brain connections we incurred as small children and which we expand and grow out of as we mature. We lovingly recall how we believed in Santa Claus, fairies, goblins and other mystical magical creatures and we continue the magic by reading fairy stories to our own children. But we do not live by those fantasies as adults. They were part of our growing up at a time where we did not have enough information ourselves to question. We believed everything we were told, especially by our parents and those close to us, especially in authority and if those people were wrong, then so were we. At this present period of our conscious evolution we need to understand that what we experience of our reality is formed from downloaded memory, a memory that we can now, in the evolutionary state in which we exist, rise above. We are integral parts of the super-brain and we therefore have access to all the information that ever was. Because of our growth as a species, we have the capability to reason, just as the huge amount of connections we have in our bio-brain's allows us. We, as adults, have access to a higher level of information, knowledge and intelligence than our children and at the evolutionary stage at which we now exist, with understanding we can connect to our 'overall self', thus enabling us to sift through a multitude of higher intelligence which will create another evolutionary leap. The super-brain is our super-encyclopaedia. We can open any page at any time and live that information because it's all there in the record of universal existence. What we learn and apply in our daily lives has an effect upon our past and our future because we are the point in between. Consider a line drawn upon a piece of paper and then consider which end of the line is 'actually' the end. It appears to have a beginning-end and an end-end but both are conjoined by what it in between. Applying this same law to yourself as a human being in the 'moment' is the same as looking at the stretched dot which has become the line drawn upon the paper with no beginning and no end, hence the images you will see in ancient art where the serpent is swallowing its own tail. I will, during these blogs explain exactly what the serpent is and its relevance to us all and the whole of reality. Wherever you are in the world you are the centre of the universe. All laws apply within you because you are all laws. You place ingredients in the information soup and you therefore make it possible for others to partake of what you have added so be mindful of those additions which affect the whole of reality, human and non-human because in the end the sickness will affect you too.
Monday, 4 February 2019
Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Why don't i accept the presence of a God/Gods or spirits?
I hope that the information in this blog will help you to understand yourself and the world around you much better. I am giving this information free of charge but at least, if you are inspired by anything written here, have the decency to give my name to anything you use. Many thanks.
I've been asked this question many times and I am pretty sure that many of you who read my blog posts will not be happy with me saying it. It's very easy to explain something away when it has centuries of use behind it simply by saying 'it exists' which, sadly, creates a barrier to learning what true divinity is.
So far in my previous posts, I've tried to explain the non-physical biology that governs our existence in that we are information processing systems within the 'whole' information processing system. The use of the words 'god' 'gods' and/or 'spirits' is an outdated term and the use of such words reinforces a series of belief systems when really, the mechanics that produce our image, are no less, if not more, divine. The concept of 'god' is like a computer download with a virus attached. The virus that is attached is the concept of evil or the devil which is again another outdated and misconstrued belief. Evil does not exist and neither does the devil exist. All that does exist is the concept of such forces which correct wisdom and understanding exorcises. I am certainly no Christian but this is the truth of the man Jesus who was born with the ability to decipher the wisdom of the existence of all things. The demons he cast out were the misconceptions that people had of life, the universe and everything. The religions of the day did not like or accept the information that he brought to the table because it removed the power of the priests. That, however, is the greatest 'story' ever told and which I will explain in greater detail in the continuing posts on this blog.
Scientists are great people but they have a language of their own which isn't understood by the lay person. They can be like the priests of a religion, sticking to the classical understanding of how the universe was formed and how it works, leaving the lay person drifting in the wake of their scientific results. They study hard and achieve great understanding of the materialistic side of reality but fail to comprehend that the materialistic reality we understand is simply a product of a non-material system upon which our own biological functions are based. We are the integral parts of that system, like cells in an overall body, a super-body-of-information or as I have called it for sometime now, the SBI. Because of our position as processing and information exchange systems within that SBI we can stimulate a download of information of any kind from the SBI's own internal memory. The SBI is a quantum library storing all the information of everything that ever was, is and shall be in a state of superposition. The information in our mind is in a state of superposition in that we have access to all 'possibility'. However, information will download in the simplest and most economic way which is the follow the pathways already set and familiar, in other words, imprinted. My walk on the heaths of Derbyshire with my husband and my dog allowed me to experience the ease of walking well-trodden and safe pathways that had been created by other people and the sheep on the heath through the tangle of heather and bilberry rather than stepping into the unsafe realms of that tangle where adders, Britain's only poisonous snakes, might be hiding. So familiar, imprinted, information has the strongest resonance within our vibrational reality and the natural stimulation that our quantum information processing system provides for us, allows us to access all of the information all of the time but in the most economical way. By refusing to accept the old models of gods and spirits we free our own information processing systems (each of us) to download streams of information which will far supersede previous concepts of what is possible. However, our imprinted pathways for download or rather 'in-load' of information are so well defined and strong that it is difficult to retrain our system to bypass old understanding and create a new pathway through, what to us is, uncharted territory.
Like the forces of evil, matter is a preconceived state which doesn't actually exist! Yes, this is where we get really wacky! In truth, only memory exists. Memory is stored information and from the original build up of patterns within that information, rather like the letters that form the words that form the sentences I am typing right now, it achieved its own understanding through familiarity. The build up of familiarity is the condensing of vibrational patterned sound within every atom communicated to and with all others. If I could describe it any way I would say it is like a kind of 'morse-code' which comes together naturally as the fundamental language of all reality into integral patterns from which expression we get our perceived reality. The preconceived image of a human-being, for example, is only a composite image of a system of information processing. The image of a human-being is shaped by memory and memory is stored information in the form of vibrational language. We are all a complex series of quantum vibrational patterns and the way that those vibes interacts is our true language.
So the reason that I do not accept a god, gods or spirits is that our whole reality is made of vibrational language which is stored, processing, transferred and exchanged constantly. We are language itself. We are the word made flesh. We are connected to everywhere and everything and only human because we have a recognised and familiar pattern, in other words we are a word within the quantum vibrational alphabet. We cannot die because we are everything. We are not individual because we are everything. What people perceive as a spirit is simply a recognised understanding of a pattern of vibrational information. In the same way we can look at an apple and know its an apple because other people have used that reference and therefore its stored within the SBI and reinforced by frequent use, we assume the presence of spirits. Because the human brain is connected and integral to the SBI and its quantum library of information, the concept of gods and spirits is there, like a page in one of the books in that quantum library. With stimulation, the book and the page is easily accessed and each time it is opened, the page becomes more and more worn and easier to identify. It forms a pathway to a particular pattern of understanding. Therefore, the first assumption is the presence of 'a spirit', when in truth, information or 'memory' is everywhere and we have access to it giving regular or familiar use meaning. A spirit medium, which my father was, would say that a particular person who has passed through the veil called death has come to show you that life goes on, to give evidence of everlasting life. The medium will then proceed to give information relative to the sitter from the person in spirit. In truth, the stimulus for the download of information from the SBI is the sitter him/herself who communicates at a subatomic level with the medium requiring information. The medium will then, because he/she is everything at a quantum level and has connection to everything, will be able to describe the information that the stimulus or sitter requires. It is the sitter that is providing the information and communicating it to the medium at a quantum level and the medium communicates it back to its source....the sitter.
So far as a god is concerned, it is the SBI that governs the production of our reality, the all-seeing, all-knowing mechanism that, for me at least, is more sacred and divine than any other understanding I have found and of which I have had an awareness since being a very young child. Knowledge and acceptance of the SBI forms a scientific and yet divine basis for all life, in fact all reality. It unifies everything and separates nothing which surely has to be, especially in this day and age, a positive thing.
I've been asked this question many times and I am pretty sure that many of you who read my blog posts will not be happy with me saying it. It's very easy to explain something away when it has centuries of use behind it simply by saying 'it exists' which, sadly, creates a barrier to learning what true divinity is.
So far in my previous posts, I've tried to explain the non-physical biology that governs our existence in that we are information processing systems within the 'whole' information processing system. The use of the words 'god' 'gods' and/or 'spirits' is an outdated term and the use of such words reinforces a series of belief systems when really, the mechanics that produce our image, are no less, if not more, divine. The concept of 'god' is like a computer download with a virus attached. The virus that is attached is the concept of evil or the devil which is again another outdated and misconstrued belief. Evil does not exist and neither does the devil exist. All that does exist is the concept of such forces which correct wisdom and understanding exorcises. I am certainly no Christian but this is the truth of the man Jesus who was born with the ability to decipher the wisdom of the existence of all things. The demons he cast out were the misconceptions that people had of life, the universe and everything. The religions of the day did not like or accept the information that he brought to the table because it removed the power of the priests. That, however, is the greatest 'story' ever told and which I will explain in greater detail in the continuing posts on this blog.
Scientists are great people but they have a language of their own which isn't understood by the lay person. They can be like the priests of a religion, sticking to the classical understanding of how the universe was formed and how it works, leaving the lay person drifting in the wake of their scientific results. They study hard and achieve great understanding of the materialistic side of reality but fail to comprehend that the materialistic reality we understand is simply a product of a non-material system upon which our own biological functions are based. We are the integral parts of that system, like cells in an overall body, a super-body-of-information or as I have called it for sometime now, the SBI. Because of our position as processing and information exchange systems within that SBI we can stimulate a download of information of any kind from the SBI's own internal memory. The SBI is a quantum library storing all the information of everything that ever was, is and shall be in a state of superposition. The information in our mind is in a state of superposition in that we have access to all 'possibility'. However, information will download in the simplest and most economic way which is the follow the pathways already set and familiar, in other words, imprinted. My walk on the heaths of Derbyshire with my husband and my dog allowed me to experience the ease of walking well-trodden and safe pathways that had been created by other people and the sheep on the heath through the tangle of heather and bilberry rather than stepping into the unsafe realms of that tangle where adders, Britain's only poisonous snakes, might be hiding. So familiar, imprinted, information has the strongest resonance within our vibrational reality and the natural stimulation that our quantum information processing system provides for us, allows us to access all of the information all of the time but in the most economical way. By refusing to accept the old models of gods and spirits we free our own information processing systems (each of us) to download streams of information which will far supersede previous concepts of what is possible. However, our imprinted pathways for download or rather 'in-load' of information are so well defined and strong that it is difficult to retrain our system to bypass old understanding and create a new pathway through, what to us is, uncharted territory.
Like the forces of evil, matter is a preconceived state which doesn't actually exist! Yes, this is where we get really wacky! In truth, only memory exists. Memory is stored information and from the original build up of patterns within that information, rather like the letters that form the words that form the sentences I am typing right now, it achieved its own understanding through familiarity. The build up of familiarity is the condensing of vibrational patterned sound within every atom communicated to and with all others. If I could describe it any way I would say it is like a kind of 'morse-code' which comes together naturally as the fundamental language of all reality into integral patterns from which expression we get our perceived reality. The preconceived image of a human-being, for example, is only a composite image of a system of information processing. The image of a human-being is shaped by memory and memory is stored information in the form of vibrational language. We are all a complex series of quantum vibrational patterns and the way that those vibes interacts is our true language.
So the reason that I do not accept a god, gods or spirits is that our whole reality is made of vibrational language which is stored, processing, transferred and exchanged constantly. We are language itself. We are the word made flesh. We are connected to everywhere and everything and only human because we have a recognised and familiar pattern, in other words we are a word within the quantum vibrational alphabet. We cannot die because we are everything. We are not individual because we are everything. What people perceive as a spirit is simply a recognised understanding of a pattern of vibrational information. In the same way we can look at an apple and know its an apple because other people have used that reference and therefore its stored within the SBI and reinforced by frequent use, we assume the presence of spirits. Because the human brain is connected and integral to the SBI and its quantum library of information, the concept of gods and spirits is there, like a page in one of the books in that quantum library. With stimulation, the book and the page is easily accessed and each time it is opened, the page becomes more and more worn and easier to identify. It forms a pathway to a particular pattern of understanding. Therefore, the first assumption is the presence of 'a spirit', when in truth, information or 'memory' is everywhere and we have access to it giving regular or familiar use meaning. A spirit medium, which my father was, would say that a particular person who has passed through the veil called death has come to show you that life goes on, to give evidence of everlasting life. The medium will then proceed to give information relative to the sitter from the person in spirit. In truth, the stimulus for the download of information from the SBI is the sitter him/herself who communicates at a subatomic level with the medium requiring information. The medium will then, because he/she is everything at a quantum level and has connection to everything, will be able to describe the information that the stimulus or sitter requires. It is the sitter that is providing the information and communicating it to the medium at a quantum level and the medium communicates it back to its source....the sitter.
So far as a god is concerned, it is the SBI that governs the production of our reality, the all-seeing, all-knowing mechanism that, for me at least, is more sacred and divine than any other understanding I have found and of which I have had an awareness since being a very young child. Knowledge and acceptance of the SBI forms a scientific and yet divine basis for all life, in fact all reality. It unifies everything and separates nothing which surely has to be, especially in this day and age, a positive thing.
Sunday, 6 January 2019
Step Lightly For You Step on My Heart.
I hope that the information in this blog will help you to understand yourself and the world around you much better. I am giving this information to you free of charge but at least, if you are inspired by anything written here, have the decency to give my name to anything you use. Many thanks.
I've heard it said so many times that we create our own destiny, our own reality and therefore our own life, luck and happiness. I've heard it said that when you give yourself up to the universe that you will find yourself on the right track and that everything will fall into place. I totally disagree with this line of thinking.
We do not create our own pathway.
We create the pathways and destiny of other humans and all other life.
I spoke at length about this at length last Summer at a presentation I gave and I was encouraged to write and speak about it after a birdwatching walk that my husband and I had with our dog, Finn.
We were walking in the Peak District through a beautiful old woodland in search of the birds and other wildlife, our target species being redstart, wood warbler and pied flycatcher. We managed two out of three that day but as it was nearing lunchtime, we decided to walk up and out of the woodland and onto the heath at the top. So up we went. It was a beautiful warm day and we spotted a rocky outcrop that we decided would be a good place to sit and eat our lunch as we would have a great overview of the trees' canopy and the surrounding heathland. However, we knew that there were adder, Britain's only venomous snake, on the heath and because we had Finn with us we were concerned that we keep both him and ourselves safe. He was on leash but nevertheless the whole heathland was covered in heather and bilberry where it would be impossible to see an adder sunbathing and we certainly didn't want either Finn or ourselves to step on one.
We could see the rocks in the distance and because there had been sheep up on the heath, there were very narrow sheep trails through the heather. It was our instant reaction to follow the narrow trails through the heather out towards the rocks. As we walked steadily along thoughts began to trickle into my head. My husband smiled wryly as I related to him what I was thinking. He knows that my philosophy on life is endless and that everything I do has to be dissected and analysed before I can make sense of it. What fascinated me was that other people had created in us the awareness of possible danger from adders and therefore we were instinctively following narrow but clear pathways to our destination. We were following safe pathways due to the forewarning that we had from other people. People had created the fear of the presence of the adders and we were therefore walking what we considered to be safe pathways through to our destination at the rocks. I thought to myself, there could possible be just one or two snakes up on the heath but without even thinking we had walked the assumed safe pathways. And I thought, religion does basically the same thing. As a child I remember playing games with my friends on the paving stones outside my home where we could only step on certain stones or there would be a penalty, the penalty was mostly an imagined crocodile jumping out and biting us. It's a childish memory but one myself and my friends took seriously at the time. Religion creates a constant element of fear. Like following the assumed safe pathways through the heather on the heath that lovely Summer's day and not stepping on certain stones in my childhood games, religion creates the same fears of not doing certain things or acting certain ways. It creates a boundary for us preventing us from really living our lives and being honest with ourselves. Our lives are created by other peoples' assumptions and beliefs and their treatment of us. From small children the people around us create our assumed safe pathways which aren't really ours, they are theirs! They teach us how to live and how not to instead of teaching us simply how to love. If we were taught nothing more than love from our childhood we wouldn't need religion to give us the instruction on how to live and how not to because it would come naturally.
The life we live is not chosen by us before we were born as many people assume. The life we live is chosen by other people. We are formed by the blueprint within our genes which is a composite image of a human being but which blueprint contains all the memories of every other living thing that ever was. The layers of our composite existence are what make us unique and individual, all containing the information of everything that ever was, is and shall be. The life we lead is according to our environment which consists of all of the information everywhere and the stimuli we have of those elements around us, predominantly people. Everything we are which incorporates everything we do is 'remembered' and incorporated into the information field which makes up the whole of our reality. Consciousness is a reflective information field and the whole of our reality is built upon that information. The more information gleaned, the more the system has to change to hold and process it, therefore we get evolution. It isn't actually us that evolves, however. It is the super-entity, the super-brain that evolves and expands its connections to produce more intelligence. We are those connections. We are the neural connections in a super-organism which has previously been called god. When an information system is filled to capacity it has to change or divide. Division is actually also change, change within the same system, the result is continuation and expansion of unity - one system divided into parts of itself - self division - enabling connection between all things to remain. Within self-division there is communication and this communication is memory. Time itself, or rather the perception of it, is memory. The communication of memory depends upon the function of the systems that process it. Consciousness is memory. Every thought we receive is formed from memory. It is not our information. It is a download, a bleeding in of information from the two-way-stretch of the super-brain and its neural connections that makes the whole entity function. What we do in our lives is the result of the memory of other people, the direction and creation of life based upon the memory of others.
So please, step lightly, for you step upon the heart of all life.
I've heard it said so many times that we create our own destiny, our own reality and therefore our own life, luck and happiness. I've heard it said that when you give yourself up to the universe that you will find yourself on the right track and that everything will fall into place. I totally disagree with this line of thinking.
We do not create our own pathway.
We create the pathways and destiny of other humans and all other life.
I spoke at length about this at length last Summer at a presentation I gave and I was encouraged to write and speak about it after a birdwatching walk that my husband and I had with our dog, Finn.
We were walking in the Peak District through a beautiful old woodland in search of the birds and other wildlife, our target species being redstart, wood warbler and pied flycatcher. We managed two out of three that day but as it was nearing lunchtime, we decided to walk up and out of the woodland and onto the heath at the top. So up we went. It was a beautiful warm day and we spotted a rocky outcrop that we decided would be a good place to sit and eat our lunch as we would have a great overview of the trees' canopy and the surrounding heathland. However, we knew that there were adder, Britain's only venomous snake, on the heath and because we had Finn with us we were concerned that we keep both him and ourselves safe. He was on leash but nevertheless the whole heathland was covered in heather and bilberry where it would be impossible to see an adder sunbathing and we certainly didn't want either Finn or ourselves to step on one.
We could see the rocks in the distance and because there had been sheep up on the heath, there were very narrow sheep trails through the heather. It was our instant reaction to follow the narrow trails through the heather out towards the rocks. As we walked steadily along thoughts began to trickle into my head. My husband smiled wryly as I related to him what I was thinking. He knows that my philosophy on life is endless and that everything I do has to be dissected and analysed before I can make sense of it. What fascinated me was that other people had created in us the awareness of possible danger from adders and therefore we were instinctively following narrow but clear pathways to our destination. We were following safe pathways due to the forewarning that we had from other people. People had created the fear of the presence of the adders and we were therefore walking what we considered to be safe pathways through to our destination at the rocks. I thought to myself, there could possible be just one or two snakes up on the heath but without even thinking we had walked the assumed safe pathways. And I thought, religion does basically the same thing. As a child I remember playing games with my friends on the paving stones outside my home where we could only step on certain stones or there would be a penalty, the penalty was mostly an imagined crocodile jumping out and biting us. It's a childish memory but one myself and my friends took seriously at the time. Religion creates a constant element of fear. Like following the assumed safe pathways through the heather on the heath that lovely Summer's day and not stepping on certain stones in my childhood games, religion creates the same fears of not doing certain things or acting certain ways. It creates a boundary for us preventing us from really living our lives and being honest with ourselves. Our lives are created by other peoples' assumptions and beliefs and their treatment of us. From small children the people around us create our assumed safe pathways which aren't really ours, they are theirs! They teach us how to live and how not to instead of teaching us simply how to love. If we were taught nothing more than love from our childhood we wouldn't need religion to give us the instruction on how to live and how not to because it would come naturally.
The life we live is not chosen by us before we were born as many people assume. The life we live is chosen by other people. We are formed by the blueprint within our genes which is a composite image of a human being but which blueprint contains all the memories of every other living thing that ever was. The layers of our composite existence are what make us unique and individual, all containing the information of everything that ever was, is and shall be. The life we lead is according to our environment which consists of all of the information everywhere and the stimuli we have of those elements around us, predominantly people. Everything we are which incorporates everything we do is 'remembered' and incorporated into the information field which makes up the whole of our reality. Consciousness is a reflective information field and the whole of our reality is built upon that information. The more information gleaned, the more the system has to change to hold and process it, therefore we get evolution. It isn't actually us that evolves, however. It is the super-entity, the super-brain that evolves and expands its connections to produce more intelligence. We are those connections. We are the neural connections in a super-organism which has previously been called god. When an information system is filled to capacity it has to change or divide. Division is actually also change, change within the same system, the result is continuation and expansion of unity - one system divided into parts of itself - self division - enabling connection between all things to remain. Within self-division there is communication and this communication is memory. Time itself, or rather the perception of it, is memory. The communication of memory depends upon the function of the systems that process it. Consciousness is memory. Every thought we receive is formed from memory. It is not our information. It is a download, a bleeding in of information from the two-way-stretch of the super-brain and its neural connections that makes the whole entity function. What we do in our lives is the result of the memory of other people, the direction and creation of life based upon the memory of others.
So please, step lightly, for you step upon the heart of all life.
Friday, 4 January 2019
Who are we?
I hope that the information in this blog will help you to understand yourself and the world around you much better. I am giving this information free of charge but at least, if you are inspired by anything written here, have the decency to give my name to anything you use. Many thanks
The question 'Who are we?' has been asked many times. The answer I can give you is from my deduction of almost sixty years of experiencing a higher level of consciousness, which, of course, as I will repeat over and over again, is universal memory.
It is the natural mechanism of the super-brain which is basically the data bank holding all the information that ever was, is and shall be at the same point, to expand its neural connections. This has nothing to do with a large bearded god sitting in an imaginary heaven. If you strip away all the flesh blood and bone of your own information processing system which is your biological body, you will find a mechanism that has an overall relationship with everything in the universe. In the same way that our brain has its accumulated library of information which is stimulated to download a rough image of our reality by sensory/environmental input, the super-brain which is absolutely NOT a god but rather is simply the mechanics of what creates the image of our reality, also has its mechanism of information storage and exchange. Each one of us, therefore, is an important part of the landscape of neural connections in the super-brain which enables consciousness to exist and reality to form from the memory within the structure of the mechanics of the library of stored data in the super-brain.
"Why are we here?" is therefore answered by 'you are one of a host of neural connections in the super-brain and therefore hugely important'. The reason for organisms showing a 'will to survive' is inherited from the law of consciousness production emanating within the mechanics of the super-brain. This law is a natural law of expansion and in the case of the super-brain it is the natural law of expansion of information resulting in intelligence. Therefore, all elements of life - i.e. the environment - 'gives all it can to the survival/advancement/expansion of intelligence. In one of the presentations I gave last Summer, I stated that once an organism has achieved its maximum capacity for information input and achieved its maximum intelligence, the environment, which is all part of the same information exchanging system, combined with the organism itself will structure the necessary mutation, allowing it to evolve further its capacity for growth and expansion, the most advanced product of this mechanism so far being the human.
The question 'Who are we?' has been asked many times. The answer I can give you is from my deduction of almost sixty years of experiencing a higher level of consciousness, which, of course, as I will repeat over and over again, is universal memory.
It is the natural mechanism of the super-brain which is basically the data bank holding all the information that ever was, is and shall be at the same point, to expand its neural connections. This has nothing to do with a large bearded god sitting in an imaginary heaven. If you strip away all the flesh blood and bone of your own information processing system which is your biological body, you will find a mechanism that has an overall relationship with everything in the universe. In the same way that our brain has its accumulated library of information which is stimulated to download a rough image of our reality by sensory/environmental input, the super-brain which is absolutely NOT a god but rather is simply the mechanics of what creates the image of our reality, also has its mechanism of information storage and exchange. Each one of us, therefore, is an important part of the landscape of neural connections in the super-brain which enables consciousness to exist and reality to form from the memory within the structure of the mechanics of the library of stored data in the super-brain.
"Why are we here?" is therefore answered by 'you are one of a host of neural connections in the super-brain and therefore hugely important'. The reason for organisms showing a 'will to survive' is inherited from the law of consciousness production emanating within the mechanics of the super-brain. This law is a natural law of expansion and in the case of the super-brain it is the natural law of expansion of information resulting in intelligence. Therefore, all elements of life - i.e. the environment - 'gives all it can to the survival/advancement/expansion of intelligence. In one of the presentations I gave last Summer, I stated that once an organism has achieved its maximum capacity for information input and achieved its maximum intelligence, the environment, which is all part of the same information exchanging system, combined with the organism itself will structure the necessary mutation, allowing it to evolve further its capacity for growth and expansion, the most advanced product of this mechanism so far being the human.
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