Sunday, 23 December 2018

The Ultimate Hermaphrodite

I hope that the information in this blog will help you to understand yourself and the world around you much better. I am giving this information to you free of charge but at least, if you are inspired by anything written here, have the decency to give my name to anything you use. Many thanks

We are the ultimate hermaphrodite.
Why should I make this statement?
The dictionary definition of 'hermaphrodite' says - "an animal, flower or person that has both male and female reproductive organs, after Hermaphroditus, son of Hermes and Aphrodite, who merged with the nymph Salmacis to form one body"
You may find this strange if you consider yourself biologically male or biologically female.
Biologically my appearance is female and yet I am, as are we all, both male and female.
Let me explain:-

'Consciousness is not reality. Consciousness is self-awareness, awareness of the world around and exists without reality. It is eternal. Reality is separate and cannot exist without the natural division of consciousness. Consciousness is the foundation of reality. It exists because it exists and because it has always existed. Like a camera is separate from the image it captures, consciousness is separate from reality. A camera separates one moment from all moments and produces an image of that moment. The image cannot exist without the camera's mechanisms of capture, division and duplication. So it is with consciousness. Reality cannot exist without the capture, division and multiple duplication of consciousness.

Reality is the great 'coming together' of the divided information of consciousness.
The first division of The One, which is consciousness, into the first reflection of itself was signified by implosion.
Everything that 'was' at that point imploded, divided, and duplicated into the first division of The One and The One became Two-Of-The-One.

Two became the memory of The One but both remained The One.
Two could now reflect upon The One and The One could now reflect upon its own works in the natural division of itself.
Everything is memory of the 'everything-information', therefore everything that 'becomes' has its root in 'the becoming' like a thought put onto paper and an image captured by a camera.

From The One which is consciousness, came the divisions of reality.
The divisions are reality. Without division there is no reality. That from which division was enabled now creates all. Natural mechanics.

The mechanisms of division are 'remembered' and are part of The One just as the image captured by the camera is 'of' the camera and its mechanisms. The camera and its image are conjoined, one is from the other - a product of reflection.
The One is now whole and in parts of itself. 'In parts' is each one of us and all of our perceived reality which is the Whole of the One.

Consider a large rock hit with a hammer and smashed into tiny pieces. Each fragment of rock, each tiny piece, is still the rock. The rock remains the rock no matter how small the pieces of it and, no matter where the wind blows its dust, it remains the rock.
And so it is with man.
He is the dust of The One, and where the wind blows the fragments, The One remains.
Without the fragmentation, the rock cannot be in parts.
Without the fragmentation the knowledge of The One cannot be everywhere and 'everywhere' is The One.
There is no 'without' of The One. There is only 'within' The One.
The One is the divisions of itself and the everything (reality) is those divisions. Therefore, there is knowledge of The One in everything. Therefore, our reality is a living entity. Therefore all of our reality has consciousness because consciousness is The One in the divisions of itself.

Everything is 'within'. There is no 'without'.

Now man divides himself and he cannot prevent the mechanics that divide him. The mechanics of division are the law of The One. The One is the foundation of the world and the foundation of the world is the rock intact within its pieces and its dust.
The One is the foundation of everything. The One is information formed into letters, formed into words, formed into sentences, formed into paragraphs, formed into chapters, formed into the Book of Life.
We are the Book of Life.
We are the Word made flesh and our flesh is the Word which is readable to man.
Flesh is only the perception of man and the perception of man is in numbers.
Every man, woman, child, tree, flower, grain of sand contains the numbers of the One.
We are all The One aka God.
The numbers of The One are the divisions of 'self'.
Self is in every living thing and non-living thing and intelligence is according to the numbers.
The numbers relate to the divisions of The One.
The more divisions, the more information gathered. Gathered information is the mathematics of The One, the combinations of the letters which changes the words and the sentences and the paragraphs and the chapters and the Book of Life.
Everything has its point.
The point of man is the configuration of his numbers.
The point of man is the image of The One. The image of The One is the mechanics of division. The mechanics of division are at the point of man. The point of man is the phallus, the stylus which brings the word into being, the sword that kills and divides all life anew. At the plunging of the sword a man will die. At the death of the man, remembrance will begin.

Every living thing has every other living thing within it. Therefore, one man is all men and one woman is all women.
Each species has its numbers and the numbers relate to the divisions of The One.
The divisions of The One create the mechanics of the divisions, therefore all is memory. Each division knows its own mechanics of being. Natural Law governs all things. Natural Law is the law of division to multiplication.

Reality is the memory of The One divided.
Each division reflects its numbers. The numbers of all relate to the divisions of The One. Each division intensifies memory. Memory is in all things. Memory is of the mechanics of division.
A stone, broken into pieces, remains a stone even if the wind should carry its dust to all four corners of the world.
The stone remains yet is has different shape and different space.
And so it is with every living thing and every non-living thing. All is numbers of The One.
Man is the stone, smashed.
Man is born with two stones.
The law of man is written upon the stones.
The two stones of man are the memorised division of the first division.
Division is the mechanics of production and multiplication.
Production and multiplication is according to the Law and the Law of Division is written upon the two stones of man. The stones are the memory of division and memory carries the knowledge of division. Man is therefore the past and he is also the future liked by the present. The stone, smashed and scattered, remains intact.
'Intact' is in the division of space.
'Intact' removes time.
'Intact' removes distance.
Therefore, the wind-blown dust of the smashed stone remains aware of all its parts.
When a man can divide 12 by 12 and find 13 he will be in a place of understanding.

'Honour thy father and thy mother' does mean understanding of the primary mechanics of the universe which is division and the product of division which is reality.
Reality is tangible mathematics.
Within mathematics is mechanics.
Mechanics is the drive to produce division, is male.
All mathematics is male.
The product of the drive is female.
'In that day God created Adam, in the likeness of God made he him. Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created'.
Thy father, is the mechanics.
Thy mother is the product.
All experiential matter is female but the mechanics that produce it and are within it are male.
Male is always within female to produce a tangible result. Thus produces the true marriage of male and female which no man can put asunder.
We are all male and female.
We are the ultimate hermaphrodite because we have the reproductive mechanisms of male and female.
Male is married to female (mechanics to matter) in a way that divorce cannot happen.

In terms of Leviticus 18 vs 22 and the catastrophic persecution the mistranslation has caused - "thou shalt not lay with mankind as with womankind: it is an abomination" and Leviticus 20 vs 13 "if a man also lay with mankind, as he lieth with a woman: both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them" - means you CANNOT lay with mankind as with womankind because man is the mechanics of both and nothing whatsoever to do with the biological material beings apart from the way that man relates to woman in terms of mechanics and product. In truth, man can only unify with man in terms of reproductive mechanics or the drive to replicate and woman can only unify with woman in terms of biology. It is therefore impossible for a man to truly copulate with a woman in biological terms because whether the biological union is heterosexual or same-sex, mechanics and matter are two different elements of reality. There is not one without the other and both are equal in necessity. Male fuses with male in terms of the mechanics of copulation and reproduction to the expansion of information and consciousness, female fuses with female in terms of biological union, and yet in marriage- the true sense of the word marriage, male mechanics are fused to the product which is female. The mechanics of a woman are male and yet her biological material image is female. The mechanics of a man are male but his biological material image, even though it presents as a male is actually female. Names are given to both without understanding therefore persecution arises.

We are all the sons of God in respect of the root of our being which means that in truth we are the divisions of a male oriented mechanism. The biological material form of women makes them the daughters of men in that biologically they are the lock into which the key is placed in respect of the mechanisation of expansion. So to say as in chapter 1 vs 27 of Genesis "The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose" really means that all of us, as the sons of God or rather the divisions of the mechanics of The One see one another as female products of male mathematics with which we may unify to expand the network of information that becomes our reality.

We are all, therefore, of both male and female reproductive mechanisms.
We are all, therefore, the ultimate hermaphrodite.

Heathen Christmases

I hope that the information in this blog will help you to understand yourself and the world around you much better. I am giving this information to you free of charge but at least, if you are inspired by anything written here, have the decency to give my name to anything you use. Many thanks

The man called Jesus was a Heathen and he had full understanding of the workings of the universe and of men.
We are the mechanics of the universe in minute form and therefore, because consciousness is memory, we can recall the memory of how the universe came into being and how it works. Everything is a two-way stretch. The universe is us and we are the universe. We can only see it because it is within us.
With full understanding you will find there are no such things as visions.
With full understanding you will find there are no such things as spirits.
With full understanding you will find there is no such thing as God.
All these misunderstandings are now deep rooted in the living information field which is consciousness. We gain all of our knowledge from this living information field. What we perceive as our reality is memory, gleaned from information stored in the living information field or consciousness.
Visions and spirits are visible or audible information streams of which our brain endeavours to make sense and therefore give us 'meaning'. 'Meaning' is found by linking these information streams with familiar information of input already stored in the biological brain's internal model therefore giving us images we can relate to.

Our distant ancestors built their culture and beliefs on what they saw and what they felt through their connection with the Natural World and the landscape around them. The connection that they had is now lost to the shallow minds of many present human beings who deal with the 'shell' of reality although the depth of ancient knowledge remains. They have lost their sense of belonging and with that we have been left with a mass of human entities without roots. Our roots are in the fertile soil of wisdom.

This is the season of mistletoe. Mistletoe it has been said to our distant ancestors was the seed of the god. How little we now remember and recognise of the depth of our ancient wisdom.
If one understands the mechanisms that produce information and how the information we perceive as our knowledge in this moment is the result of the past and the future woven together at one point, one can then read the minds of our distant ancestors. They are within us, not simply as DNA but as living connections with their 'now' moments. This season of mistletoe has a strong connection for me. I am not connected to the Christmas concept being the birth of Jesus because I have a deeper understanding of life and reality. The seed of the mistletoe was/is the representation of the pure ovum of woman. In the scriptures you will find reference to the virgin and in misunderstanding this is been considered to be a woman without blemish, without 'knowing' a man, a woman that has not had sexual intercourse. This perception is incorrect. The correct meaning of 'virgin' is a pure seed....a pure ovum....the unfertilised egg of a woman. When a woman has sexual intercourse it makes her a prostitute. A virgin and a prostitute can be the same woman. A virgin is the unfertilised seed borne by a woman and as a prostitute a woman can remain a virgin. A prostitute is a woman who receives payment from a man for services rendered. For the act of sexual intercourse, a woman receives payment. The payment that she receives is from the purse of man. The purse of man carries the money of exchange which is given in the act of shared sexual activity or onanism. It is the seed of man. Money brings the exchange of happiness. A man may buy is place in heaven by the exchange of money. Heaven is the feeling of love...the feeling of paradise....the feeling we all experience during sexual activity.
Any woman who has had sexual intercourse with a man is a prostitute because she has received payment from the purse of man and if her ovum remain intact she shall remain a virgin. We are all born of a virgin. The single egg of a woman shall remain a virgin until it is impregnated by god. God is the misconception of the living information field. The living information field holds the intricacies of all the information that ever was/is/shall be at one point. It is the all-knowing because it is a non-organic mechanism which we call Christ, which we call Life. A virgin can only be impregnated by this living memorised mechanism because once an ejaculation has left its host it is not controlled by him. It is controlled by blueprint for simpler understanding and it is drawn to an ovum by the 'sound' at a quantum level, the communication, the voice, of the virgin. It is the angel that visited the virgin and told her that she shall give birth to the son of god. We are all, in terms of mechanics, sons because the mechanics themselves are male and the product to which those mechanisms are inextricably joined are female. Male and female created he them and called their name Adam. Male is always within female. It is his natural place. This is the place of the true marriage. Male is married to female - male (mechanics) produce female (which is all matter as well as the 'well' of woman which is where man is baptised, immersed in the waters of Amnion therefore, we are all baptised in god before we are 'born') From the true marriage we cannot be divorced. This also applies to the unification of male and female within the fertilisation of an ovum. Once joined in marriage they cannot be separated.

The mistletoe therefore is an earlier, pre-Christian representation of this same mechanism. The plant of the mistletoe is a parasite. It grows like a parasitic child upon the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is the reproductive organs of a woman. We are all, therefore, parasites cut from the Tree. The cutting of the mistletoe with a golden Sycle is the representation of the cutting of the umbilical cord from the Tree of Life which is woman. We are all seeds of the tree.

Our distant ancestors built their churches in the same way that the Christians built theirs. We are all the churches of god. God is the living information field, the almighty, the all-knowing, the creator and this information is our true root. We are therefore part of it. We are where it is housed. It is within us and from it we create our reality. We cannot create anything for ourselves. Our reality is created for us by others. 'Others' is all other elements of our information network. You may call it 'the environment' but the 'environment' is simply another name given to information that has become familiar to us and which has given itself names. A tree named itself. A stone named itself. A speck of dust named itself. All these elements of our root information are communicating with us at all times. They create us and we acknowledge them.

The churches of our distant ancestors were the places of knowledge. Please understand that the Christian religion is based upon Judaic heathenism. There is not one religion within our perception that is not heathen. The language was 'confounded'. It has never been lost - ever - because we are the language itself, the word made flesh, the mechanics made experiential. The language is not now distinguishable from misperception. The language has never been lost but the translation to understanding is incorrect.

The Christians built churches and they 'perceived' that they admonished and overtook heathenism. They did not. All that they did was to mistranslate the language of the mechanics of reality. They were and are practising the same beliefs....heathen beliefs.....true earth beliefs and in their misconception they have persecuted many.

The churches, or places of worship of our distant ancestors remain at their best in the structures of New Grange and Maeshowe. Burial chambers, passage tombs so-called they are not! The New Testament of the bible has the man Jesus calling to his friend Lazarus who has died to come forth from the tomb. The tomb of the dead is the womb of woman. Those who translated the teachings of the man Jesus mistranslated the truth that he taught. He was a heathen amongst the ignorant. He taught the truth, the secrets of the universe, the magick that can be begot from wisdom, from true knowledge of what we are and how we are part of the One living information field, the Super-Brain. The bones of the dead are cast into the tomb. The tomb is the womb of woman. The bones are the elemental strands of knowledge within every sperm. A man casts his bones into the tomb where he will be reborn, resurrected and live for ever.
Our distant ancestors recreated the pregnant belly of woman as their church. The church of god is the flesh of man. Man worships at the alter which is where the 'cross' is placed. The cross of man is the cross of his seed to which he is nailed. Every man dies upon the cross. His own DNA is 'crossed' with that of another as he descends into hell. Hell is the placed of burning. The burning is the sensation of sexual pleasure we all desire. He descends through the gates of hell and then arises reborn in heaven. Heaven is the feeling of ejaculation.
Our distant ancestors were totally honest people. They dealt with life in an honest way. Fertility was everything to them. They saw the magnificence of fertility all around them and within them.
The sun was the fertilising element of the earth the male element of procreation. They saw man as the fertilising energy of woman. Man IS the fertilising energy of woman because male is the mechanics of all created and woman is the all-created. So the sky and the sun became the recognised fertilising body of the earth ensuring good harvests and it was easy to recreate the mechanism of the sun and earth fertilisation with that of man and woman. At the time of the Winter Solstice the day the light returns, the elements must have been put in place to ensure a good harvest the following year. In the same way many today take pleasure from attending prayer or meditations, our distant ancestors took deep joy from worshipping the natural world and their own form of church was the focus of their joy. A mound representing the belly of woman, created with an opening shaped like the opening of the vagina, a passage and three cavities being womb and ovaries were the completion of their focussed energy. The light of the Sun at the Winter Solstice would form, like an erect phallus, and enter the opening of the vagina of the earth and penetrate the whole of the passage to the far end, a stone pulled across as the cervix to be passed through before entering the place of rebirth. The bones of the dead cast into the depths of woman would be reborn and at the 'sound' (which is why acoustics were of huge importance and were absolutely NOT formed by simple coincidence) of the voice of the son of god would be returned to the earth to walk amongst their loved ones once again. They created these structures as a representation of all that happens within natural law. At the penetration of the earth by the phallus of the god, the light of the sun, I would suggest very strongly that due to the erotic nature of this event witnessed by the masses, that great feasting and sexual acts would be in abundance!
I would also hasten to add that the people who became bog bodies found by archaeologists, apparently ritually killed as sacrifices or punishments, went to their deaths voluntarily in a ritual, not for the sake of good harvests or as a sacrifice to the gods but as a scientific experiment of the day. If you have ever seen the film 'Flatliners' it was a similar experiment in experiencing an afterlife in the hope of rebirth. It is also my belief that the ancient structures of Orkney known as Skara Brae the Ring of Brodgar and other fertility, copulatory and procreational representations were constructed upon an outcrop of land which appeared to look like the male genitalia (the finger of god) reaching out to be received by the opening of woman which the circles represented at many levels. Our distant ancestors were not the primitive peoples they have unfortunately been portrayed as. They were deep thinking philosophers and scientists and so was the man Jesus. He was not killed upon the cross in any other way than every man is killed upon the 'cross' before he can be reborn, resurrected and live for ever. This is why he was so dangerous. He was aware of all of reality being part of The One which later became known as god and which misconception has been the ruination and persecution of so many.

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

So, what IS God?

I hope that the information in this blog will help you to understand yourself and the world around you much better. I am giving this information free of charge but at least, if you are inspired by anything written here, have the decency to give my name to anything you use. Many thanks

We are all used to dealing with 'knowable laws', those that we use in our daily lives and those used in science that can be written down in the language of mathematics. But what if there are unobservable laws that relate to the mechanics of a non-physical entity, a kind of super-biology that relates to something we a part of and not apart from? What if our biological mechanisms are relative to something much larger than ourselves? What if, with all of our human image stripped away, the mechanics of what makes us 'feel' individual is only a tiny part of one huge system of information processing?

Each individual cell in our body has its function, the laws it adheres to to preserve and enable 'the whole' of our body to work correctly. My own conclusion which has been deduced from nothing more than my own experiences of extra-sensory perception over the last sixty years is that the 'entity' that has been called God is simply the overall system of mechanics to which we adhere and of which we are a part, just like those individual cells in our own physical body. That overall system contains all of the information that ever was, is and shall be. We have access to a limited part of that information which is produced according to our evolutionary make-up and therefore ability. However, snippets of it can still bleed through when we least expect it stimulated by, for example, a particular action or event which creates an action potential which accordingly releases threads of information into what we presume is our conscious mind. Those snippets of extraordinary information have to have meaning and we search desperately for that meaning. Reality itself is 'meaning'. It gives meaning to the whole load of mechanics by which we function. So we end up with the conclusion that extra-sensory-perception is something special, something 'different', a gift, which is really is not. We assume that ESP is something unobservable, something above reality and yet it is very much a part of our daily lives. At the beginning of this post I asked the question 'what if there are unobservable laws that relate to the mechanics of a non-physical entity'. Those mechanics are actually observable through our own biology. The way that we ourselves function, is the observable tip to the mechanics of the unobservable. We are not individuals in that we all process information for the 'whole'. We are subject to the laws of the 'whole' which incorporates the information, purpose and function of everything in our universe. What fascinates me as a layperson is that the mechanics of our reality are so simple and yet we don't seem content with that simplicity but need to complicate the hell out of it!

Our individual purpose is information exchange. Each of us is a system of individual information processing and exchange in that we are uploading and downloading it into the overall system and out again constantly. However, we are also part of an infinite network of information exchange between ourselves. As individual atomic information processing systems our atoms are always hungry. The law by which they function is hunger for information, to process it and to exchange it. We have a need to eat and drink, not because we ourselves are hungry or thirsty but because our atoms are programmed with the need to process information. Information grows the system. It expands it and increases its capacity for further processing. So we eat and we drink. The information contained in the atoms of what we consume feeds the atoms of our body and their processing system. As we mature into adult cells, we are capable of processing and exchanging more detailed information which is the necessity of the whole and not simply us as individuals. I will explain our need to reproduce in later posts. Aristotle said that 'Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom' and this is absolutely true. The further we delve into the wonderment of ourselves and our reality, the more we expand it but it has to begin with us because our mechanics produce the whole system and the whole system produces us! One is constantly dependant upon and part of the other. So, if God is to be taken literally, then we are a part of God and God is a part of us. This ties up the misinterpreted language that God knows everything about us. These are the mechanics that make this so.

Our own brain has its internal library of stored, familiar information which has been built up through sensory input since our birth. It has no connection to the outside world other than by the language of the incoming sensory information with which we feed it. By basically matching up the incoming information with that the brain already holds, we are given what is a rough image of our reality, which is internal and not external. If we correlate those mechanics to something outside of our biology and integrate our mechanisms within that larger (for want of a better word) entity we find ourselves acting like neurons and becoming, literally, the mind of God. We are ourselves the sensory input that enables the release of information from (what I prefer to call) a Super-Brain which produces our reality.

Sunday, 25 November 2018

What is God?

I hope that the information in this blog will help you to understand yourself and the world around you much better. I am giving this information to you free of charge but at least, if you are inspired by anything written here, have the decency to give my name to anything you use. With many thanks.

In my last post I mentioned the system I call the Super-Brain having previously been named 'God'. I would like to explain more about this.

When I was a small child I had an immense amount of Biblical dreams and became obsessed with the man called Jesus in the Bible. I dreamed that I was always with him. When I told my Mother about the dreams she forbade me to speak of them. She said it made her afraid that God was going to take me, that I was going to die. I never spoke of them again but they continued to happen. I also had many strange experiences that religionists would call 'ecstasies' during my childhood. I recall going to the Scottish Highlands for the first time in my forties. Looking out over one of the many glens on my first day I wept at the sheer beauty of the place. My whole being was filled with awe and it was as though so much of this sensation had filled me that it spilled over and the tears streamed down my face. The experiences I had as a child were like this. I was filled with love until the feeling spilled over. This is the only way that I can describe them. I never spoke about them much, mainly out of embarrassment. But, over the years, I've come to understand what they were.

As the years went on and I was in High School, I was obsessed with Jesus. I didn't read the Bible. I wasn't interested in learning about what he was supposed to have done in his life. I just 'knew' the man. I loved art at school and wasn't bad at it, selling some of my work for pocket money. The work I did for myself, however, was all about Jesus. I sketched images of Biblical scenes and I even painted a portrait of him for my art exam. I recall seeing a program about his life and being totally inconsolable at his death. I never spoke, obviously, to the kids around me at school. They thought I was weird enough as it was! I wasn't interested in making myself look older than I was to get into nightclubs like the other girls in my form or the latest fashions. All I wanted to do was 'be' alone in the landscape. I was absorbed by the trees and the rivers, the hills and the vales near where I lived. When I was ten years old I was bought my first pony who was wonderful and we became firm friends. Being with him enabled me to travel further afield into the landscape and we shared great times together.

I was, however, driven mad by the feelings within me which were deep yearnings for 'something' that I could not describe at the time. My next-door-neighbour when I was small, was a devout Roman Catholic and told my parents, after one of our deep discussions about my views on who God was, that I should enter a convent. In her opinion I had definitely 'had the calling'! I knew that this wasn't for me though. One rainy and dark morning I set off on Bambi, my pony, and rode all the miles from the farm where he was stabled to a large crucifix at a place called Cobden Edge in Marple, Cheshire, England, which I believe, is still there. It was a long ride and we were both soaked. I tied Bambi to a small tree and went up to the crucifix. From that point on the hilltop you can see for miles. The clouds were dark and the rain poured, but there, in my tiny childhood mind, I called out through tears to that 'something' in 'that place I yearned for'. I cried for help to show me why I was here. I knew then that I had a purpose but I had no idea what that purpose was.

I have had some incredible messages over the years in the spiritualist churches I secretly attended in my late teens and early twenties which confirmed that I had some information that I needed to impart and I was given two important messages that linked me to the man known as Jesus. For someone who had spent their whole life to that point seeking answers to questions they didn't even know how to ask, all those messages gave me some kind of hope.

After all these years of searching, I really feel now that I have the answers I would love to be able to give myself as that small child clinging to the bottom of that huge wooded cross on Cobden Edge fifty years ago.

My personal experiences of Christianity, having been brought up in a Christian household, are that whatever we do, whatever happens to us, God loves us. All the trials and tribulations we go through in our lives are all tests of our strength and faith and overcoming those obstacles quietly and observantly will create a wonderful place for us in the peace of the hereafter....heaven.

What a load of twaddle!

Please don't get me wrong, I haven't become a believer in absolutely nothing after we pass through death. I've had an experience that allowed me to know that our consciousness survives which happened during one of the darkest periods of my life. When I was small, my homelife wasn't particularly happy and when I went to bed at night I imagined that God was this huge chap, sitting on a throne wearing large velvet robes and sporting a long white beard. I used to imagine that me, being a tiny little human child, could crawl up into one of the creases in the arm of his robes where nobody, including him, could see me but I would be safe and away from persecution. I guess he must have been a cross between God and Santa Claus in my little mind at that time. However, that was the impression that religious education had taught me and it gave me some comfort at the time. I suppose in the minds of many Christian folk, that impression would still comfort them today. The belief in that kind of God offers excuses and forgiveness for everything we do and takes away our responsibility to be better individuals ourselves.

In my later years, I've looked at all sorts of God beliefs from many Gods to one of them and they all have the same strands running through them. From being very young, with all the strange experiences I had of 'something' outside of the 'norm', not only was I drawing and painting images relevant to them but I was writing constantly. Into my teens and right through to my late thirties I was writing in the same style which was very scriptural.

I used to visit local spiritualist churches and read some of my work in the open circles at the end of the services. One afternoon I was pressed to go to a church I hadn't been to before. In what I considered was a mistake I arrived at the church much earlier than the service started. An old man had also arrived too early and I asked if I might sit with him, out of good manners, and wait. He asked me directly if I was a spiritualist medium to which I replied that I wasn't and that I didn't really know what I was but that I wrote 'stuff'. He looked very pleased at this and asked if he might read some of my work there and then. I passed him my file and this he did. By this time the service was due to begin and other people had arrived. He asked if he might speak to me after the service to which I agreed. We spoke outside. A night I will never forget. He told me that he had been in a bed of sickness all that week and that he did not have long to live. He told me that he had been searching for the 'woman with the writings' for very many years and that I had no idea of the depth or origin of what I was writing. Since our meeting I have spoken to several people who knew him for many years before me and it was very much the standing joke to ask if he'd found the woman yet. To cut a very long story short, over the two years that followed before his death in 1998 he taught me the basics, rather like a kindergarten teaches the alphabet, of what I was writing to enable me to read it correctly. He also gave me some very crazy messages about who I was and what my purpose in this reality is. It actually correlated with others I had received and also one that I received from a chap completely out of the blue in another country some years after my friend had died. So from all of my lifetime's experiences and all of the messages and all of the translated information that I now have in my consciousness I know what God is and God is not that big old man dressed in velvet robes with a long white beard that I visualised when I was so small! I don't want you to think that because I don't accept the present understanding of a God or Gods or whatever that I am a total atheist. This I really am not. What I have come to know as Him-Who-Is has a long explanation. 'He' and 'She' don't exist in the way we understand them but I do not want to refer to what I understand as the root of our existence as 'It' because that feels cold and disrespectful. What I understand as the root of our existence is warm and pure love. However, without understanding, with ignorance and arrogance, humans have misconstrued their own language and because they cannot read, they do not know their true origins. They themselves have created hatred.

The masculine element of God is derived from the root mechanics of all reality. Feminine is derived from the first manifestation of those masculine mechanics. Therefore male is always inside female in the true marriage. Male and Female we are, both. We are, each of us, the ultimate hermaphrodite.

In a presentation I gave as part of several this past year, I described what is known as the Divine Masculine being the source of the Divine Feminine. Boy did I get into trouble from a feminist sitting in the audience. I was told that everyone knows that the Divine Feminine came first and that I might do better if I presented this the correct way around. No and yes! The Divine Feminine is the first recognised element of creation as matter. However, the root mechanics are masculine. Without male entering female there is no union and therefore no manifestation, no continuation, no resurrection, no reality. This union is the true marriage from which there cannot be divorce.

There is so very much to explain and I am hoping to endeavour not to make each blog entry too long. So I will close this one here but I will say to you that the man Jesus did not die the death that Christians believe. When you fully understand your language once more you will know that his resurrection was through his children.

Friday, 23 November 2018

Autumnal thoughts.

I hope that the information in this blog will help you to understand yourself and the world around you much better. I am giving this information free of charge to you, but at least, if you are inspired by anything written here, have the decency to give my name to anything you use. As you read on in other posts, you will understand why this is important not simply to me but to yourself and the whole of reality.

Here I sit at my computer in my little study overlooking our woodland garden and the hillside beyond. Autumn is such a wonderful time of year, full of colour and seasonal smells. However, some of our lovely collection of trees and shrubs are becoming quite stark now. De-clothed by the season, nakedness has replaced their Summer green apparel apart from our Oaks who are still dressed in their glorious russet adornment.

I have always felt a deep and inseparable connection to the landscape of these sacred British Isles, my home and the home of many generations of my ancestors, and for me there is no more beautiful place on the planet. I feel part of them. I breathe with them and I am rooted to them. So what is this connection I feel so deeply within? Is it simply familiarity? Is it love of the hills and plains of my homeland? Is it comfort? From being a very small child, playing in the Oak grove near to my home I have felt this. I used to consider that the trees and the flowers spoke to me because the connection was so strong. I felt as though they were family in my childhood mind. Now I am almost sixty years old and with a lifetime of experience behind me, of asking extraordinary questions for such an ordinary woman, I now feel that I have achieved an understanding of that connection.

I recently had a go at dowsing, which was great fun and something I've wanted to do for years. Experience has taught me that everything we are drawn to have a go at is for a specific reason and that our lives are filled with 'way-markers' which direct us onto the right route. I have had many and they never cease to amaze me. Many of us go through life without even noticing them. Some will even say it's coincidental. However, those who are self-aware like myself take real notice. We are aware of the questions we have asked ourselves and we notice the way-markers that direct us to the answers. In fact, we have asked for both and therefore, both we receive. Our group's dowsing instructor told us firstly and primarily that the answers come from the precision of the question and this for me rang so many bells because it is something I have learned for myself over the last fifty or more years. The answer definitely does come from the precision of the question. We were given a map to dowse for the oldest building in a particular area. With one of my trusty copper rods at the ready, I concentrated on the question as I drew a ruler down the longitude. I hit a spot and the rod swung into its 'yes' position. I placed the ruler along the latitude and draw it steadily along until my rod swung again into its 'yes' position. I marked the area. At the end of the test, we were all asked to give our locations. Mine, seemingly unfortunate at the time, was totally different from other peoples and I felt deflated. I felt I hadn't succeeded until our instructor gestured wildly when he asked me about my result. The question he had written on the board was to locate the oldest building in the defined area. There was a Saxon Hall several miles from us which was the designated target. However, my own rod had reacted to a Neolithic stone circle in the same defined area but much further away. Our teacher informed us that he'd fallen foul of his own instruction because he should have asked the question "Locate the oldest house" in the defined area and not used the word 'building'. This shows the necessary precision of the question. And it isn't simply in the field of dowsing that it is important.

So how does this work?

Many psychics would say that locating something physically or by dowsing a map is basically reading 'energy', telluric or otherwise. Some might even say it was directed by some spirit or other. Those who have read my book will know that I do not accept the existence of spirits because this is simply an age-old description of something far more interesting and complex. Dowsing is used regularly by oil and water companies and it has to be absolutely correct and precise. If you consider the amount of money involved in drilling for oil, gas, water and so on, the companies concerned would not wish to create bore holes without being absolutely sure of the location. Many engineers simply use this method without really considering the whys and wherefores of how it works. They are simply interested in using it as a tool to do the job at hand.

The questions we ask act as stimuli. Consider how your computer works when you are searching for something online. You type in one or two words and the computer comes up with various links for you to look at based on the information it has relating to the words you have put in. Our brains work in a similar way in that they have an internal library of stored information gleaned over all the years we've been alive. Sensory information comes in and our brain matches it to the information it already has in its internal model. It creates our perceived reality from the information it has available. From a very early age, we learn to 'see'. We cannot 'see' without the input of our other senses. Our brain has to learn what things are and it has to learn to perform the mathematics that enable us to experience the world around us. Those mathematics are unconscious functions to us. Whilst I am typing this blog, my brain is working out the keys on the keyboard, their location and the place of each letter in each word. The pressure I need to make the keys function has to be taken into consideration. The distance I have to reach to press the keys also has to be worked out and as I reach for my cup of coffee, my brain has to work out its distance from me, its weight and negotiate my hand's movement around the plants and other items on my windowsill. All these movements are taken care of by our brain because it has learned this information from our childhood and we do not have to 'tell' our brain to produce these functions physically. They just happen! So here I am typing away and the unconscious side of my being is taking care of all the intricacies of my work while my 'conscious' thoughts are being typed on this page. The words I am typing are bringing meaning to the unconscious actions of my physical body. What you are therefore reading is a massive amount of unconscious mathematics that are producing my conscious thoughts. But more deeply, what is really happening, however, is that the 'unconscious' movements that are taking place are the aftermath of information that has already passed through me. Difficult to explain but here we go....

The reality we perceive is actually in the past. We've already done it! The reality we perceive is the product of information that is stored within a data storage system of which we have no awareness...well some of us do I guess otherwise I wouldn't be able to write about it.....and of which we are a part. We are processing systems in the overall system. We are neurons in what I personally call the Super-Brain passing information back and forth between each other and to and from the Super-Brain constantly. Our own brains mimic in detail and in miniature the functions of the Super-Brain. Our own brains don't actually store the information that we consider they do. Our own brains only process information that comes in from the huge system of infinite information exchange of which we're a part. It's been previously called God. We know that if we damage our little finger or big toe that our reality won't be changed. We might not be able to hold things as strongly as before or we might walk with a limp for a while but our reality will stay pretty much the same. However, if we damage our brain, our reality will become a whole lot different. This is because it will not be able to process or download the information it could previously from the Super-Brain because the mechanisms that allow this will be damaged.

By the time our brain has processed all of its incoming sensory information that information has already been processed many times. Our own sensory information is processed and translated in the language of the brain which is electro-chemical signals. Our brain basically puts all that information together matched up with information it appears to have already stored in its internal library of information and gives us a rough image of the reality its able to create from it all and which we perceive as our personal reality. However, it isn't quite as simple as that!
Our whole body is a processing system connected to all the other systems, like the one that is you and your individual family members and your friends and all of theirs and every other living thing that make up the whole system which forms our little bit of reality. By the time our brain has processed all of the incoming sensory information from our perceived reality, the outcome which is what we experience of that reality is ever so slightly in the past. However, even that past is in the past! As a processing system which is a kind of quantum biological system in that what we are able to deal with biologically is only the tip of the iceberg - the experiential product of a super-biology - information has also to be gleaned from the internal library of the Super-Brain which is true 'consciousness'. This information floods our atomic system and triggers a myriad of reactions. It is the overall Super-Mechanism that produces all of our 'unconscious' mechanisms and is responsible for processing our thoughts and actions created by stimuli. Those stimuli are a cross-over interaction between each system (us). I am therefore responsible for creating your existence and you are responsible for creating mine. Have, therefore, kind thoughts because they create 'intent' which can materialise anywhere. The more of us that have them the better our reality will become. Hence the perception of karma...which isn't anything more than what you put into the system you basically get out one way or another. Societies around the world are bonkers at the moment. It's like the whole world's gone mad! Uprisings and upheavals are everywhere and its us that have created them. Not one of us is innocent. It only takes one unpleasant action to create a chain reaction that reverberates around the Super-Brain and it only then takes a minute stimulus somewhere or in someone else and the action will manifest. The more manifestation the more reaction the more manifestation until we are all experiencing it. I cannot begin to explain to you the intricacies of how the Super-Brain works and how quickly it learns. There's a wonderful TED talk online by Anil Seth where he plays a short piece of distorted speech. It isn't possible to tell what it says until he tells you, and right from that very moment when he plays the piece again its completely audible. He has given the sound meaning. I'll talk a lot about sound and meaning during these blog entries because its so important. In fact its crucial to everything. So when you have a thought, any thought, it will previously have belonged to or been created by somebody else. Therefore this work and all of the work you ask for payment for does not belong to you. It is 'ours'. At the top of my post I have explained how this work comes free of charge, because I only communicate it to you from the Super-Brain, which in turn has been gleaned from knowledge of the mechanics of 'us'. It does not belong to me and it does not belong to you. I do not make charge for passing on this information because I do not believe in the commercialisation of wisdom that will help humanity heal itself. We are the wisdom itself and we carry the mechanisms that manifest it at every level. Therefore, to make charge for it is wrong. All it does is spread the virus of commercialism within OUR reality. It creates bondage, the haves and have-nots. You personally are responsible for the creation of reality and all its delights and its pains. Consider your thoughts and actions carefully.

There will be more.....

Friday, 16 November 2018


It's a long time since I posted anything on here and that's about to change. During our lives we can be reborn in many ways and many times over and I feel quite happy that I have experienced another kind of rebirth, another to add to the many I have had during my life, this last five years which has resulted in me running a course at a lovely Spiritual Centre just outside Huddersfield to explain my knowledge of the mechanics of consciousness which produce reality. Those of you who know me and my work will also know how against the commercialisation of Natural Earth Wisdom I am and I despair at the number of people 'selling' their information to people who can afford it leaving those who cannot and who would love to have guidance without a hope. I am giving what comes into my own consciousness 'naturally' to you 'naturally' and free of charge in the hope it may enlighten you and help you to understand yourself better. However, to those who read this work and who sell and make a living from what comes to you 'naturally' or from what you have yourself learned over the years, please feel at peace to read but do not absorb it as your own and make charge to it without giving reference to the writer please.


You'll get the idea as you read that this blog is about my own personal analysis of consciousness and reality. I have sixty years of experiencing and analysing my own extra-sensory-perceptions of life, the universe and everything. I do not, however, fit into any box. I have ripped the boxes apart, having endeavoured to fit into many of them, I have stamped all over them and kicked them to one side. Please don't, therefore, think of me as a psychic, a mystic or a medium apart from being the image manifested on the canvas of reality which we all are. A beautiful piece of art presents the emotions of the artist in an image that we can look at from all angles. We perceive it as we ourselves perceive the world. Our own emotions bleed into the work of another and we judge it from our own perspective. We are the canvas upon which the artwork of the mechanisms of the universe are made manifest. In this, we are the 'medium' that has come into being and which produces a composite image with which we are now familiar. Neither am I a scientist so please do not judge me as such. Any scientifically minded reader will most probably struggle with my simple language. An atom is, to me, a system of mechanics which I describe in simple-folk language and not the unpronounceable names which I can never remember or use that science is so familiar with. It isn't the language of the people. Those who accept an understanding of the presence of spirits will also struggle with what you read here. My father and grandfather were both reputable spirit-mediums in their own right so I was brought up in a household with plenty of knowledge so far as that world is concerned. I, being the rebellious little woman that I am, was not happy with simply accepting that world and worked through all those tales and experiences to get to the heart of what was really going on. I have not researched to any degree in that I don't look for things to incorporate into the subjects that are brought into this reality through me. I certainly cannot comprehend anything scientifically based because I don't speak the language. What I do like to find is things that I have predicted scientifically many years before and spoken and written about at length coming into current scientific research. That makes me very happy. So I don't accept spirits as there is no room for them in my 'knowings' although I do understand the mechanics of which the origin of the belief in spirits and gods has arisen and I do accept that there is an eternal consciousness because I have experienced that and I will describe why and how this happens in some of the posts of this blog.

So, if you're ready to hear my own conclusions about life, the universe and everything, WELCOME TO THOUGHTS FROM OUTSIDE THE BOX!